Question about end of month profit taking vs holding trades


Hi all

Haven't posted in a while and wondered about this subject.

What do fund managers do ? Vs Retail traders ? VS copy traders.

Do traders consider taking profits at the end of month to show their gains in the current month even if their in trades that are good trade but may end up carrying through to next month ?

For retail traders the record is not as important as profits. And if exiting early means positive gains for the month but less profits overall then don't see the point for them to exit early.

However, funds managers and copy traders that are concerned with their ongoing track record to show monthly profits, might look at this differently.

Is it customary to profit early or exiting trades prematurely at the end of a month for the purposes of establishing another month positive track record ?

What is the standard on this subject ? Is there one ? What is normal for funds managers and copy traders ?
Is it subjective or is there an established sort of normal strategy for this ?

Please advise
The profit must be fixed in order to understand how you have worked lately, whether everything was good or worth thinking about some other strategy, it is important, because otherwise you can just stop at a certain stage and just will not understand what is happening.
Profit fixing is necessary so that you can make preliminary calculations for the future.
Of course, every month or even every laziness is a completely new story, but still it helps you to conduct your work in a structured and competent manner.
I think the most important thing is stability, if it is, then everything is fine. And if it is not - then everything is not bad either, just not all the goals are still achieved.
I feel you need to have a solid take profit plan. Especially as a retail trader always take something from the market even if it is percentage of your trade and not the full amount
Profit fixing is a sign of results for the whole month. You need to keep it under control so you can always be a real professional.
You must be careful with all stages of work.
Statistics is also an important point, so you should definitely learn to do it right.
The main thing is that trading remains a business. And what approach you choose is your personal affair.
I don't think it's worth taking monthly profits for the sole reason of keeping a record. You can calculate your monthly profit without knowing the long-term result of the trade that is still open, it will still be a good indicator of how profitable you are.