Real world vs DEMO

the reality

Ok,here is the reality, even after practising with the demo and you become confident,even after reading all the materials in the world and passing all exams if any,even after reading reviews and reviews of advice from "gurus",the fact of the matter is you still dont have the truth. The truth will come from within you,from ur own judgment that you develop after...!!!... after you have gone live and heavily lost,and then maybe be driven by the urge to continue so u further re'fund ur accnt,learn from every mistake u make because it is destined you make several many mistakes,learn how to appreciate small profits and learn that you can stay a whole day watching price movements without necessarily trading and you are comfortable. Oh and by the way sometimes ul get lucky in that ul profit from extreme movement that favour you that you had not anticipated,but at the same time vice versa. Best advice start small,if u wana start with $2000,use $500 instead till u get the concept in ur mind,not from other pple
Hi there !
It was hard times, lost 35% :(
I was very scared, I even add funds to avoid Margin call (my leverage was 10x)
Then comes heroes Mr. Bernanke and Mr. Bush and save me.
AUD recovered, I recovered too. Today my fixed profit +7.6% for 100 days.
Not so bad!
MrGreen is right
The truth will come from within you,from ur own judgment that you develop after learn how to appreciate small profits and learn that you can stay a whole day watching price movements without necessarily trading.
Agree 100%
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Four months pass away - till i start making real money in Forex.
Suprise surprise - today I made first 1000 Eu in Forex !! Yeahh !!
It is 35.4% in just 4 months. (started with 2900 eu)
Just one thing scares me - I trade every day, and didn't lost any day since December 11, 2007. Too good to be true. I'm scared by Forex revenge.
Is That possible? What do you think?
Bet on USD against Euro. bet on Euro against JPY.
Minus 15% percent earned profit. First lose after 2.5 months off success.
Very valuable lesson. Do not trade just for trading. Don't bet against market.
Do not trade with unknown currencies.
So easy to go down.
Hi there, Forex Warriors!
It is March 29 today - already 5 months in the Zone!
I mean my active Forex trading.
That possibility is just fantastic! Not only to make money, but to test yourself also.
Best minds against you in this tough world. Very special feeling, if you win.
It is similar to feelings like love :) Are you feel the same?
My profit fluctuate from -35% to +35%, now I have 27% positive profit.
Profit mostly made with pair AUD / JPY (Carry trade).
Just few days ago tried Gold - very exciting movements! Very dangerous.
Easy way to get Margin Call. Or become a millionaire. And live here :
Casa Elegante - Pure Luxury
By the way - if you buy his house - let me know!
Whish you good luck - and remember first rule - Don't loose money!
And third rule - Average = Looser
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