SmartTradeFX launches PURE for active traders


SmartTradeFX Representative
SmartTradeFX announced today the launch of its PURE price platform for high volume traders. Clients trading more then 20million in notational value or deposit 25,000 USD will be able to trade at prices that previously have only been available to institutional traders. “The frequent trader or scalper is being punished at other companies for their style of trading, at SmartTradeFX they will be rewarded.” said Michael Buchbinder, Executive Accounts Manager at SmartTradeFX.

With the PURE price plan qualified traders will be able to trade the EUR/USD at rates as low as 0.6 pips and the GBP/USD as low as 1.6 pips. All the client pays is a 7.00 USD commission fee for a round trip. Traders will typically save around 30% on their trading costs compared to retail rates. Trader will be able to qualify for the plan by trading more then 20M roundtrip in notational value in any calendar month, or have an account with a balance of more then 25,000 USD.

For more information on this please visit our website Smart Trade FX