SmartTradeFX Refuses Withdrawals

I also posted my case in regards to SmartTradeFX. They are refusing to let me withdrawal funds that were in a managed account (MAM) because they said our account took a loan and therefore I had no available funds left even though in the trade platform and my statement showed just over $4k. Then all of a sudden the last line item states loan was taken and they zeroed out my account. Many conversations with Catriel Cebalos and William Hardy Hill Steiner did nothing. The CEO Uri Tadelis will not answer emails or phone calls. These guys are thieves, they will make any excuse to not let you withdrawal your money. If they were honorable they would be responding to these posts. Cowards!
I reported Smart Trade Forex to the Ontario Securities Commission and to my state Securities Commission in the US and nobody did anything. You have been forewarned! Stay away from Smart Trade Forex scam artists!

The more details you can provide to regulators, the more likely the are to act. The more traders reporting the same issues, the more likely they are to react. The on thing people should NEVER do is to decide not to report wrongdoing to the authorities.
I have an update. This is August 16, 2018. Please check There are no guarantees. I wanted to post this for others who might have lost money.
I have an update. This is August 16, 2018. Please check There are no guarantees. I wanted to post this for others who might have lost money.

You can also call them THE BANDIT CLUB, MAFIA, CARTEL….
having rigged, manipulated FX prices over years

Even if you did not transact any FX Instruments with any of the Settling Defendants, you may be a member of one of the Settlement Classes if, between January 1, 2003 and December 15, 2015, you entered into an FX Instrument with Non-Settling Defendant or if you entered into an FX Exchange-Traded Instrument; such transactions are eligible for making a claim under the Settlements, provided that you are either domiciled in the United States or, if you are domiciled outside the United States, your transaction occurred in the United States.