Someone has filed a complaint against me or my company in the FPA Forums. What can I do?

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FPA Forums and Reviews Admin
Someone has filed a complaint against me or my company in the FPA forums. What can I do?

First, examine the complaint the trader has filed. Many complaints are not a company scamming a client or a client trying to scam a company. Many are simple misunderstandings. Clear and professional communication with the client may be all that’s needed to quickly resolve a complaint.

If that doesn’t work, you have several choices. The best choice is…

You can get into the complaint thread and present your company’s side of the issue. By this time, the client may have already invited you to join. If so you can’t easily claim that it is against privacy rules to discuss specifics of the case. Just remember to not post any personally identifying information about the client that the client hasn’t already posted. Posting in a calm and rational manner, laying out all the facts as simply as possible is the best way to get your point across. If the client has left a review, company representatives can also submit comments to attach to specific reviews.

The bad choices are…

Attacking the client, FPA members, or the FPA will not make resolving the issue likely. If the issue is just a simple misunderstanding, this sort of abuse will drive clients and potential clients away from your company. The goal of the thread is to resolve the issue one way or another, not to have an insult contest or to spread paranoid conspiracy theories. If you do this, you will get one warning, at most, before losing your ability to post.

Ignoring the issue won’t make it go away. A well-worded answer will convince most readers of your sincerity. No answer will leave all accusations undisputed.

I've seen company reps handle complaints in ways that gave traders confidence in the company's ability to quickly and fairly fix problems. I've seen company reps destroy a company's reputation by making the most idiotic posts. I've seen companies lose a case when providing the correct information might have shown that they didn't really owe the money. This article is my advice on how to professionally represent a company at the FPA...

Hiding complaints is a bad idea. Instead, showcase how your company deals with issues.

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