The Best FUND management company wouldn't SPAM like me


Too stupid to read the rules about SPAM
hi all

I just want to inform you guys about the best fund management company in the market. They make reasonable monthly return (50%) with 0 risk. You can check out there LIVE PERFORMANCE and read more about there services here.

www . realmanagers . com

Wow. Unfortunately, I've found another way of finding 0 risk. It's by never giving a dollar to any spammer that claims that investing money with them includes 0 risk...

Aren't I clever?
Oh, and I like the name. We have this other billionaire on the forum, Warren Buffet, and he spends a lot of time telling us about his zero risk investment plans.
My problem is that I just am too busy between spending time on my yacht and trying to discover the next Louis Vuitton to bother with a mere 50% return on zero risk.