investment strategy copying. Help needed with AI portfolio.

Did you see the Snp? In August I was about ready to invest. But snp was ready to break the new heighs and imo this is not the best idea to invest. Such breakouts are often flase and it realy seems now that this was exectly the case. I need to wait for a retracement. There is some retracement at the moment on the market, but I'd love to see something more significant.
Well, that's none of my business, but I think you missing the point of investments.
The point is to invest and forget. Invest on retracements, invest before major breakouts, invest any day and season. That's how it works. When the market is growing you invest along with the trend. When the market is falling, you invest in a hope that this is a mere retracement, not a trend reversal.
You are right in fact. I don't actually like the idea of swing trading, I've came to this conclusion and there was a reason for making such a conclusion - that investments can beat swing trading long-distance. Than what makes me wait?
Those are some good questions for psychotherapy session LOL
In a meanwhile AI investment portfolio shows 27.7 yearly roi. That's smth to think about ((
The good point is that you can be flexible enough in yojur desicions and most importanty learn from mistakes. Its difficult to make the first step, but if you think its time - why not?
Sorry for interupting, but I can't stay aside on the topic of AI.
Why don't you consider investing in some AI ETFs, like BOTZ or ARKQ? Why do you need all this game with picking the stocks of the companies that managers might have picked for their AI thematic portfolio?
Well, I can't say weith confidence that the whole idea makes much sense or promises huge returns.
The issue is that I had an idea in mind that specialists might know a bit more about the market and its analysis than us, mere mortals know. That's why I viewed the idea as a mean to copy what market sharks do in order to get the same profits. That's it. Thanks for your ideas about AI ETS though, I appreciate the advise and your concern.
Actually the idea to follow the sharks moves and therefore gain as much as they do - that's not a bad idea at all in my opinion.
To be 100% sincere, this is not my opinion in general. This is what everyone says about the market - you need to follow the big player, the shark in oreder to gain the same profit. Don't try to defeat the shark, don't try to trick it. NO, that's doesn't work like that.
What we should do is let the sharks fight each other and as soon as we see that one of them is defeating the other - that's the time to take someone's side and get the pockets ready for some money to come in LOL
Almost like that :)
However, I view it a little differently.
Let's substitude the word 'shark' with a 'whale'. I like it better :) The whales don't really think that they need to fight each other in order to make money. Yeah, sometimes the conflict of interests takes place, yet, not necessarily.
I know that many traders believe that in order to gain the money you need to take it from somebody else. I'm not the fan of this theory. I think the money is a limitless resoure and there is enough for everyone. Even for a bunch of whales that swim in the ocean of financial markets.
In any case... As a professional triathlete I know that riding a bicyle behind someone who is riding it fast enough is a bit easier that riding the bicyle in front of other sportsmen. The difference might not be that huge, but over a log distance it matters as it can save tons of energy. The same thing happens when you swim. Especially when you swim with whales. This is MUCH more easier to swim in the trace of a whale's move. It saves energy and once we continue the analogy - it helps making money. Following the whale's move helps making money. The only warning here is to avoid follwing the wounded whale (see what I said above on the possible conflict of interests).
I wish I had the same opinion on the market - that there is enough money for everybdy there. Yet, this comes against the common sense. Each trade has got two sides: the buyer and the seller. When the one benefits from the deal, the other suffers.