Tradehits doesn't pay out the profit

Do everything what Pharaoh said, contact FCA and FOS (even by email), make a complaine and keep pressure on TradeHits. Invite them to this thread. Tell them they are on radar now. We wolud like to find out about Your potencial manipulation against them.
I've send link to my account manager. He didn't reply. I will contact FCA, FOC tomorrow and make complain tomorrrow

I have few videos how they manipulate. Displaying different prices and accepting something else sometimes 10-20 mikropips different. Mainly when I place the same expiry time at the same asset, the same direction. At the other direction I got option suspended

Can you guys open another forum regarding binary options ?. Seperate them from forex.
My account manager even remove me from skype. Why do you guys think he did that?
I think if there's an issue you resolve it between two people or more not by removing contacts, not replying etc
Direct consumer doesn't deal with it. It looks like every person can open a company like that without being regulated, taking investments, making money, close, block some accounts. Unbelievable. They recommended to me taking legal action against them by taking a lawyer

NEVER EVER INVEST MONEY IN UNREGULATED COMPANY doesn't take direct action. It is still a good idea to report any sort of fraud to them. The reason is that makes your report available to police and regulators around the world. If some regulator or police officer gets a complaint against a company, that person can check eConsumer to get information about all other complaints against a company.
If you can find a lawyer that won't cost you more than what you hope to recover, that's an option worthy of consideration.