Trending Approach Forex courses taught by Astrid Kennedy in Mount Tamborine ,Australia are a SCAM th


Dont be taken for a ride with this tutor as I was,
Astrid kennedy will tell you prior to payment that you can easily make money from her setups to get you to pay.You will pay thousands of dollars and most damaging waste your time for several months and be driven on a blind path until you become aware that you have just payed thousands of dollars for basic technical analysis that you can get out of the first few pages of a basic technical analysis book.I began to believe half way through the course after time that she dosnt trade at all and just makes money from tuition.She will always refuse to show you her personal results before and during the course and never show you a running tally on her results.If you want to be SCAMMED to the fact of being told that you can easily make money using her so called unique setups from Astrid Kennedy then think again.I wasted 3 months of my time and 5 thousand dollars that would of been better spent donated to charity.I still believe she is currently operating.