Video Equipment Rentals SPAM


I posted all this nonsense in the FPA's Daily Trading Signals folder.

* YouTube renovates website with a new look, format (AP)
* Google TV continues with software upgrades, refreshes Photos and YouTube (Digital Trends)
* <span class="glossarylink">

<a href=";item=Cable" onmouseover="return overlib('Used to refer to either the GBPUSD currency pair or just to the GBP. The name comes from the earliest form of electronic currency exchange - The do [...]');" onmouseout="return nd();">
<img class="inlineimg" src="images/styles/f4/misc/vbglossarlink.gif" border="0" /></a> <a href=";item=Cable" onmouseover="return overlib('Used to refer to either the GBPUSD currency pair or just to the GBP. The name comes from the earliest form of electronic currency exchange - The do [...]');" onmouseout="return nd();">Cable</a>

</span> companies mulling a 'Netflix tax' for high data usage (Digital Trends)
* Beyond the Great Firewall: How China Does Social Networking [INFOGRAPHIC] (Mashable)
* 10 Unforgettable YouTube Videos (Mashable)
* YouTube Could Become the Best Video Streaming Option (ContributorNetwork)
* Woman's First Webcam Experience Turns Into a Giggle Fest [VIDEO] (Mashable)
* Online video series celebrates the Pittsburgh dad (AP)
* Artist Illustrates Finely Detailed Comic Book Magazine Cover [TIMELAPSE VIDEO] (Mashable)
* Disney, Pixar and DreamWorks movies now available for rent on YouTube (Digital Trends)
video equipment rentals

Equipment Coverage
If you are operating a small, part-time video business out of your home, you may think you are covered by your homeowners policy. Most homeowners policies will cover loss or damage of home office equipment, but limit the amount of coverage to $2,500. If you lose your computer, inventory, camera equipment and laser printer from your home-based office, that check will not put you back in business.
Homeowners policies can be enhanced by buying an endorsement, or rider, to the policy. These are add-ons to your policy that boost the amount paid in case of loss. For just a few dollars extra, you can increase the amount paid for loss of business equipment to $10,000. Some companies offer special computer policies to cover loss of programs and databases.

This may be a good solution for a small business, but does not cover you for liability related losses. As the business grows, you’ll want to expand to a home office policy or a business owner policy. Some of these will cover equipment used offsite, such as your camera and lighting equipment on a shoot.