Watch my live trades using a binary platform!! (no demo)


Hey Everyone,

I made a video compilation of a few 'In The Money' moments during my day trading experiences. check it out. Below the video I wrote a little bit about the strategy I commonly apply when I trade. For more tips and strategy you can watch me on Youtube.

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Thanks for watching,

Take a graph that is showing an obvious uptrend, it’s an indicator but not enough to base a Call prediction, if you can associate this up trend with an indicator from the market place, such as a new product that just came out and while in the first day, knowing that the product is producing lots of sales and that it has a direct affect on the price you’re seeing on the graph, this is an example of another indicator that will confirm the technical analysis observation of the uptrend, if you are not able to associate a trend on the graph with something that occurs in the market place, you are taking a high risk, the graph sometimes might move randomly which means that sometimes it will appear as if you’re on to a trend, but always remember to apply fundamental analysis into your trades and don’t default to this very common mistake many online investors make.