Where to start?

Absolutely! Here are some potential responses that can help you to find out " Where to start":

  • If you're new to trading, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. The good news is that there are many resources available to help you get started, including online courses, books, and trading communities. One important first step is to educate yourself on the basics of trading, including key terms and concepts, as well as different types of financial instruments and markets.
  • Another important consideration is to establish your trading goals and develop a trading plan. This involves identifying your risk tolerance, preferred trading style, and overall investment objectives. Having a clear plan in place can help you stay focused and disciplined in your trading activities, and can also help you measure your progress over time.
  • In addition to education and planning, it's also important to start with a small amount of capital and to practice with a demo trading account before risking real money. This can help you build confidence and develop your trading skills without the risk of significant financial losses.
  • Finally, it's important to stay up-to-date with the latest market news and developments, and to continually evaluate and adjust your trading strategies as needed. Trading can be a dynamic and constantly evolving activity, and being adaptable and responsive to changes in the market is key to long-term success.

Remember, trading can be a challenging and high-risk activity, but with the right education, planning, and approach, it is possible to achieve your trading goals and build a successful trading career.
Starting in the world of trading can be both exciting and overwhelming. Here are some essential steps to help you get started on the right track:

Begin by educating yourself about the fundamentals of trading. Understand key concepts such as market dynamics, various financial instruments, technical and fundamental analysis, risk management, and trading psychology. There are numerous online resources, courses, books, and educational videos available to help you build a solid foundation of knowledge.
Set Clear Goals: Define your goals and objectives as a trader. Are you looking to generate additional income, build long-term wealth, or pursue trading as a full-time career? Setting clear goals will help you stay focused and motivated throughout your trading journey.
Decide which financial market you want to trade in. Common options include stocks, forex (foreign exchange), commodities, cryptocurrencies, or options. Each market has its characteristics, trading hours, and levels of volatility. Research and consider the market that aligns with your interests, goals, and available resources.
Demo Trading: Practice your trading strategies in a risk-free environment by using demo trading accounts provided by many brokerage platforms. This allows you to familiarize yourself with the trading platform, test different strategies, and gain confidence without risking real money. Treat demo trading seriously and replicate the conditions you would face in live trading.
Create a comprehensive trading plan that outlines your trading approach, risk management strategies, entry and exit rules, and money management techniques. A well-defined plan will provide structure and discipline to your trading activities, helping you make more informed and consistent trading decisions.
When transitioning from demo trading to live trading, start with a small amount of capital that you can afford to lose. This will allow you to gain real trading experience while minimizing the financial risks. As you become more comfortable and successful, you can gradually increase your position sizes.
Trading is a continuous learning process. Stay updated with market news, trends, and developments. Evaluate your trades, identify strengths and weaknesses, and strive for ongoing improvement. Join trading communities or forums to connect with other traders and gain insights from their experiences.
Begin by educating yourself about the fundamentals of trading. Understand key concepts such as market dynamics, various financial instruments, technical and fundamental analysis, risk management, and trading psychology. There are numerous online resources, courses, books, and educational videos available to help you build a solid foundation of knowledge.
have anything specific to recommend?

If you're new to trading, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin. The good news is that there are many resources available to help you get started, including online courses, books, and trading communities. One important first step is to educate yourself on the basics of trading, including key terms and concepts, as well as different types of financial instruments and markets.
same question: anything specific to recommend getting started?
To start trading forex, follow these steps:

  1. Educate Yourself: Begin by learning about forex trading, including the basics of currency markets, trading strategies, risk management, and market analysis. There are many online resources, courses, and books available to help you gain knowledge and understanding.
  2. Choose a Reliable Broker: Select a reputable forex broker that suits your needs and meets your criteria. Consider factors such as regulation, trading conditions, customer support, and available trading platforms. Open a trading account with the chosen broker.
  3. Practice with a Demo Account: Most brokers offer demo accounts that allow you to trade with virtual money in real market conditions. Use the demo account to practice and refine your trading strategies without risking real funds.
Just like walking into any other business sphere or industry. Conducting a complete industry appraisal. Who are the winners, who are the losers in this landscape. Find the winners, try to figure out what they are doing right. Don't believe in everyone saying they are doing this professionally and they are making it. Then the learning process starts. Go on your own until you cannot find any other information than you already know, then you will need a mentor.
I think it’s a good idea to start off with Youtube videos about fundamentals of forex trading and gradually you’ll become more and more sophisticated in your filtering of information.
At least I began my trading path this way if I remember it correctly.