DavidForexOnline.com Review

Not yet rated
Out of business
Updated: Apr 13, 2022

Website is down. Company seems to be out of business.

Out of business

DavidForexOnline.com Performance tests

Status Account Product P/L Weekly,% Weeks tested P/L Gross,%
EA 2014 +12.46 7.9 +152.933
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Recent User Reviews of DavidForexOnline.com

D. Johnson
, USA,
Jan 14, 2014,

I would never deal with these people. They want the trader password and give no access to the EA- or your own trading account. They place the EA on a VPS account, which the client has no access to. This is not really an EA for sale. This is a managed account. They also do not get back with people when contacted. I contacted them with a couple of questions about the VPS several days ago and they never responded. If they would have responded, I would have known the VPS is required and I would have zero access. In that case, I would never have purchased the 9 day trial. Imagine if they had complete control of your account and never responded! I am going to cancel this service immediately, and only hope that I can stop the almost $300 payment they plan to charge in 9 days. I would go so far as to say this is a scam, since none of the information is disclosed up front. It is being marketed as an EA, but the seller has no intention of sending anyone an EA, ever.