
Not yet rated
Out of business
Updated: Jun 10, 2022
SunporGroup is a forex broker. Sunpor Group offers the MT5 and MT5 Mobile forex trading top platform. offers over 25 forex currency pairs, gold, silver, futures, oil, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for your personal investment and trading options.
Website is down. Company seems to be out of business.

Broker Details

Minimum Trade Size: Unknown
Maximum Leverage: 300:1
Minimum to Open Live: Unknown
Established: Unknown
Address: Hong Kong, China
Regional offices:
Regulators: ASIC #001288093
Prohibited countries: Unknown
Trading platforms: MT5
Mobile Trading: ✅ Yes
ECN: ✅ Yes

Trading Instruments

Currencies: (25+)
Cryptocurrencies: (5+) Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum
CFD: (15+) Gold, Silver, Stock Indexes, Oil, Other Commodities

Trading Conditions

EAs/Robots: ✅ Yes

Managed Accounts & Social Trading

MAM: ✅ Yes
Deposit Methods:
Withdrawal Methods:
* Please check broker website for more information
Not yet rated

Recent User Reviews of

Foxman 64
Usa, USA,
Sep 8, 2021,
Registered user


Service use: Live Length of use: 0-3 Months

there are 2 parts to this scam

1 is the human element,,we are programmed by society and people of our generation to assume when we texting and chatting with someone ..they must be real..and the pics they produce must be this person. But the younger generation that has grown up with the digital age knows any of this can be faked. \

So these guys use the internet social media like Facebook and Instagram to go out fishing..looking for fish like us.. once they hook us..they immediately get us to join WhatsApp. I wondered why..and I believe has something to with like when you first open the app it always tells you it is encrypted that even the WhatsApp company cannot see your chats? So, they can't be traced?\

Next they add a face to the chat (pretty, intelligent, young Chinese girl, single mother, does a lot of charity work, etc) and start their profile on you. and also build a long trusting relationship . This step is very important step 1) because it builds your trust , 2), also gathers much needed important information about you. which all of this is stored in their computers .. and this can go on for 2 weeks maybe 2 months..I think depends on how long it takes for them to feel good about moving on to next step..\

Then she will start hinting about how much money she recently made on a trade..which gets you curious..and she will start talking about how she has a family member that has much experiance and or inside knowledge in Forex trading ..and they have made millions.. she will start talking about her expensive cars , lavish lifestyle etc.. so now your really interested.. this will go on until you interest and want to start making some money with their inside information.\

Next step is to get you to download MetaTrader 5 / not MetaTrader 4.. and they are very specific and insist it be the mobile version..NOT the pc version..they will even want to make double sure and ask for screenshots to make sure you have this exact version they ask for.. Now this flew a red flag up for me..because i originally downloaded the pc version and my girl (or lets just call them robots from now on) insisted i need the mobile version.. and I believe the reason for this is bcs .1) with the pc, the IP Address can be traced, and I don\'92t think the mobile version can be.. and the other reason is bcs.. 2) this is how they manipulate the trades with there software.(I will explain this later.) \
After you have Metatrader the robot will have you start trading with them (with your demo account) to show you how much money they are making and how much you can make as well. They will provide you with screenshots of there trade and dazzle you with the hundreds of thousands they just made in less than 10 min. (with the inside information she gets from her family member.) She is told when to buy in and when to buy out. And this trading will happen as many times as it takes to finally get you to want to get started trading and buy in with real money..she will usually trade at least once a week..until you actually start trading then it will not be as frequent.\

Next step..The robot will have you open an account with their fake company SunPor Group Limited. and remit minimum dollars to your account to make it live.$5100 ($5000 + $100).. but you don\'92t wire transfer money direct to their fake company,, instead you have to meet another person through WhatsApp, this woman is the customer rep. that handles all the funds coming in and going out. This also threw a red flag for come the funds not go direct to the so called company like other brokers ? and your funds are wired to HSBC to a third party beneficiary. .. and every-time you make a wire transfer it is a different account. .. Also another red flag for me..I questioned this and notice i got almost the same answer or response from both my robot and the fake customer rep.. as if their answers were copy and pasted. \

Ok ..on to your first real trade..the robot will let you know when the tnext \'93market\'94 ( is what they like to call it ) is coming up on certain day and time, and don\'92t be late. so you open MetaTrader app..and start your trade..(keep in mind, the MetaTrader platform and the trading are 2 separate things) when you are trading it is through your broker account.. this is very important. I will explain soon.\

So you do your first trade (less than 10 min) with her inside info..she tells you when to buy, when to sell and close, and wow.. you just made 30- 40% your from now on most of your conversations with your new robot friend will mainly be about trading and how much money you are gonna make, also you will start hearing , if you increase your funds you will dramatically increase your profits. STARTING TO GET THE PICTURE?\

Now here\'92s another interesting subtlety i picked up on..I noticed that after i started trading, the conversation with my robot also started changing and was also less frequent too..there were times i thought, am i chatting with the same person? it feels cold. no more emotion in it..I also noticed their response time to my text back was around 10 min average..Why ? what happened.. This is where i believe you are now on automatic are now chatting with a computer program.. and it usually is always around 10 minutes to reply back to you, maybe this gives their computer time to analyze the data in your profile to give back the correct at this point they have enough information they have gathered from your profiling since the beginning and the computer can effectively chat with you now..Now I really started realizing I was being scammed..So I started talking to this robot differently.. I would say certain things that would normally make any human react emotionally different but the robot does not react with emotion..( just try it, you will see what i mean ).\

PART 2 of the scam..\

.this is the part of the scammers software program.. What i did, was i downloaded Metatrader 4 on my wife\'92s phone and opened up a new account with a reputable broker and when my robot friend had me do a trade with her inside information, i was trading at the same time on both account, and guess what? Totally different results, how can this be? With my account with SunPor, I made huge profits, but with the other broker I lost what i found out, is the scammers somehow with their sophisticated software have found a way to mimic a live trade and show you any results they want you to see.. So all the money you think you made in profits was not real\'85The only thing real is the monies you wire transferred to them through the mysterious 3rd party beneficiary\'92s. and then into their bank accounts. Also explains why they always use different \'93receiving accounts as they call it\'94.. Hell, one of the accounts they asked me to remit to was a Packaging Products\
Anyways.. they produce a mirrored image of a real trade but with the results they want you to see..and this will go on and on.. (as your robot friend keeps encouraging you to increase your funds) until they feel they have taken all your money, then the big bomb..they will have you do a trade then bammm.. your trade went south and you lost all your money..sorry charley..they just cut the fish loose..YOU.. \

Next you check your account and shows you lost all your money on the last trade ..AND your negative and now owe them i met one guy that is trying to make payments back to these guys for the money he thinks he owes them..Remember.. even this is fake\'85but they threatened him and ..of course he believes all of this..( this all falls back to the human element i first talked about)\'85 and was still sending money to them.\

So this is the scam.. there is no company..did you check the website and notice ..wheres their address? Anyone can create an elaborate website..Ok, so you did a search to see if they are they have a license? are they registered? .When I started asking these questions i got directed to the ASIC commision in Austrailia and supposedly found their registration number, but i believe just about anyone can pay a fee and become registered.. and this was done to satisfy our curiosity. Once we seen this we felt safe to open account with this fake broker\'85 

So think about all this\'85here is a bunch of guys ..they set up a fake website ..register with ACIS.. then use the Forex market to find peopled lure them into their world, to throw there money out there. All they need to do is go fishing in the big ocean of social media (facebook,Instagram etc\'85) hook ya by means of friendly chat.. get you signed up ..and start their scam\'85you wire transfer your life savings through texting with ?? a robot..into a real Bank into a third party beneficiary ,, they collect your money.. show you fake trades ..then finally once they feel you don\'92t have any money left or they feel you may be suspicious ..they will cut you loose..also fake a trade with loss of all your moneys..but actually only money you lost is what you send never made any profit or loss can they fake these trades? \

this is something else i discovered.. I\'92m sure the normal procedure for them is to have you actively participate in a trade when your last trade goes bad and you supposedly loose all your money\'85.but the thing is..I was not trading at the time..I texted my customer rep and said i want to make withdrawal of all my monies..she text back with information needed to send back to my personal bank account and said no problem would take 1-3 business days..then next thing i did was check my account with metatraders and it shows i just recently made another trade, and lost all my monies with negative balance of almost 10K..WHAT???? I text back to her immediately and confonted the customer rep..and she says that their records show that i had made a trade and was a loss sorry..So what they did was make another fake trade without my knowledge or consent or involvement..but did they really make a trade? ..NO this was also were all the others..\

Now let me explain why..I found a function within the Metatrader app..called \'93Journal\'94 ..this function shows all internal activity live, in real-time that goes on internally within your account..and i believe the fake broker has no control over this..and this function shows things like ..permission to access account, account accessed , communication started ,, trade started, communication closed all realtime and with time- stamps..But the journal can only be seen for the 24 hours during that said day..luckily i found it same day they faked the last trade and i was able to cross reference the activity in my journal with my account page through SunPor that shows the fake trade (which is also time stamped) and ..according to the journal my account was not even active at the time they faked the this is how I figured out that we never made any real trades at all..everything was mirrored to look like we did..and all the time ..they keep urging you to invest more funds.. \

This is how all this happened with me..I hope this helps any of you..but i don\'92t think we will recover any monies back..who knows,, but i have found this company to investigate these scammers..and maybe they can get us some results..they may also need to contact you if you are willing to help them pursue these guys..think about how many others are losing their life savings to these scammers..this could be millions of dollars they are making..Is also the reason for this letter to share my experience and ask you to not do anything to alarm these guys about what we know..please do not remit anymore monies and don\'92t try to make withdrawal because once you scare them ..they just gonna fake a losing trade because you were never meant to get any of your monies back..all their efforts were solely to get you to keep sending them money..Let me know if any of this helps and if your interested in working with this investigation company.. Cheers Craig }