
Not yet rated
3.105 • 2 REVIEWS
Out of business
Updated: Apr 13, 2022
All websites are down.  This company seems to be out of business.

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Out of business Performance tests

Status Account Product P/L Weekly,% Weeks tested P/L Gross,%
Drive Forex Metals Fund -1.29 114.6 -122.454
Please click the Product name to see detailed test analytics, trading statement, and use our Performance Simulator.
3.105 • 2 REVIEWS

Recent User Reviews of

Henry Watson
St Peter Port, United Kingdom,
May 7, 2014,

I have tested drive eas in 2012, this is the time when i tested more than 10 eas. As I remember drive eas were some of those which I liked. Later I had to pulled my investment due to some personal reason and closed all eas running.

Now I am building my trading capital again and invested some funds in managed account services with 2 providers, so far from January this year am with drive hf team, my account is running well, the actual gain to date is 26% and drawdown to date is 16% maximum, as compared to my tolerable limit of 30%. I am happy with drive team.
David Leigh
Norfolk, United Kingdom,
May 1, 2013,

Had a good first month with these people, so decided to increase my investment. What a disaster. When I finally wised up to what they were doing, I managed to get out but only after they had lost 1/3 of my money.

If you want to lose money, go to a casino. You'll lose as much as much there as you will with this lot, but at least you'll have some fun.