CentreForex Pamm A/C Real Account Stopped test

+0.36% WEEKLY · 131.4 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+400,973 (Gross Pips: +52,687,799)
Average P/L per Week:
+0.36% (Gross P/L: +60.47%) Including Net Withdrawal of 88,104
Maximum Equity used:
99.67% (Apr 8, 2020, 11:02:00 AM)
Test started:
Dec 11, 2017
Test Stopped:
Apr 19, 2020 (Tested 131.4 weeks)
Abandoned Test
Description from product owner: Our strategy and has been developed to trade breakouts. The trades are entered and closed in a very short period of time. Trades are triggered by pure technical price action with major trend lines, fibno & major support and resistances with equity maintenance ,all our entries with only stop loss , Minimum 1,000USD (Old requirement was 25,000 USD) is the requirement for to join our PAMM Account Service We equip innovative research and provide advisory services with complete efficiency and accuracy. Our proprietary value investing method has helped diverse industry traders in surpassing the benchmark indexes.