EquiNex Capital - Darwinex Real Account Stopped test

by EquiNexCapital.com Site closed
-0.63% WEEKLY · 94 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
-1,194 (Gross Pips: -112,263)
Average P/L per Week:
-0.63% (Gross P/L: -44.60%)
Maximum Equity used:
88.6% (Jul 30, 2020, 12:18:00 AM)
Test started:
Oct 15, 2018
Test Stopped:
Jul 30, 2020 (Tested 94 weeks)
Abandoned Test
Description from product owner: We love clean charts, our strategy is price-action based. Multi timeframe positions are placed in key market levels and losing trades are managed diligently to avoid the long term drawdowns common in the industry. Price is King, we never hope, we embrace it.