Oak Valley Investments Swing Trader Real Account Stopped test

by OakValleyInvestments.com Site closed
+0.44% WEEKLY · 10.8 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+34 (Gross Pips: +372)
Average P/L per Week:
+0.44% (Gross P/L: +4.81%)
Maximum Equity used:
3.68% (Jun 10, 2019, 8:24:00 PM)
Test started:
Apr 3, 2019
Test Stopped:
Jun 17, 2019 (Tested 10.8 weeks)
Abandoned Test
Description from product owner: A swing trader with over 12,000 lines of code developed by a programmer with over 10 years full-time experience in the forex market. This account displayed is the fully operational account you will receive trades from. On our website we show results from the initial test account which has >1 year history. The system does not trade often, but trades for 75+ pips when it does, and has a high success rate. This makes it broker independent. There is no martingale or gridding. For more information please visit our website.