Spinta FX Road to Million Real Account Stopped test

by SpintaFX.com
Site closed
-7.45% WEEKLY · 36.4 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
-269 (Gross Pips: -9,786)
Average P/L per Week:
-7.45% (Gross P/L: -105.97%)
Maximum Equity used:
88.15% (Jan 16, 2020, 12:02:00 AM)
Test started:
Oct 25, 2019
Test Stopped:
Mar 4, 2020 (Tested 36.4 weeks)
Crashed & Burned
Description from product owner: We are now announcing new plan road to million which you can achieve your goal within two years , Invest as low and become a millionaire in two years. We are trading on all the pairs using very low risk, So your account make steady profits. Our strategy based on trend so our 90% trades are in profit.