MFWU-2-TB Real Account Stopped test

+4.49% WEEKLY · 30.3 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+80,822 (Gross Pips: +2,448,915)
Average P/L per Week:
+4.49% (Gross P/L: +278.74%) Including Net Withdrawal of 9,503.46
Maximum Equity used:
61.42% (Dec 21, 2020, 3:11:00 PM)
Test started:
Jul 31, 2020
Test Stopped:
Feb 23, 2021 (Tested 30.3 weeks)
Voluntarily Quit
Description from product owner: I focus on scalping 5 pips per trade. My strategy was absolutely a manual trading strategy until I got it programmed into an EA/robot with the help of other participants of MFWU. I focus on EUR/USD mainly, however you can find a few trades of GBP/USD and gold.