Total Automated EA Real Account Stopped test

-1.39% WEEKLY · 17.3 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
-32 (Gross Pips: -547)
Average P/L per Week:
-1.39% (Gross P/L: -21.53%)
Maximum Equity used:
66.83% (Jan 3, 2023, 4:38:00 PM)
Test started:
Dec 8, 2022
Test Stopped:
Jan 3, 2023 (Tested 17.3 weeks)
Crashed & Burned
Description from product owner: No promises ~ stop getting excited by words when you can test Total Forex EA for FREE. Our cutting-edge technology uses advanced algorithms to analyze market trends and to cut the losses short and gains the high. And it's constantly evolving. But don't just take our word for it - try Total Forex EA for yourself and experience the power of profits. Visit our website and find if we can help you achieve your trading goals.