FxHighYield Real Account Stopped test

+2.32% WEEKLY · 40.9 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+127 (Gross Pips: +5,200)
Average P/L per Week:
+2.32% (Gross P/L: +155.82%) Including Net Withdrawal of 3,338.26
Maximum Equity used:
81.54% (Apr 2, 2023, 5:05:00 PM)
Test started:
Jan 2, 2023
Test Stopped:
May 29, 2023 (Tested 40.9 weeks)
Abandoned Test
Description from product owner: Intra Day trading Strategy based on Neural Network models with a wide range technical inputs to cover ranging and trending markets. Very Low risk with relatively high yields consistently. This is a Market Structure Intra Day Trading Strategy with great emphasis put on limiting draw downs and achieving profits in all market conditions.