The Market Speculator Real Account Stopped test

by Site closed
-0.78% WEEKLY · 6.1 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
-176 (Gross Pips: -1,071)
Average P/L per Week:
-0.78% (Gross P/L: -4.68%)
Maximum Equity used:
4.86% (Feb 1, 2011, 5:09:00 AM)
Test started:
Jan 4, 2011
Test Stopped:
Feb 16, 2011 (Tested 6.1 weeks)
Voluntarily Quit

We appreciate sharing their Live performance with Forex Peace Army readers!

02.16.11 The Market Speculator Real Test stopped - account closed...
01.16.11 The Market Speculator Real Test started with help of Investor Access...

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