FxPublisher New System Real Account Stopped test

by FxPublisher.com Site closed
+33.09% WEEKLY · 2.5 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+1,253 (Gross Pips: +3,383)
Average P/L per Week:
+30.30% (Gross P/L: +104.35%)
Maximum Equity used:
14.66% (Dec 18, 2012, 6:19:00 AM)
Test started:
Dec 13, 2012
Test Stopped:
Dec 31, 2012 (Tested 2.5 weeks)
Voluntarily Quit

We appreciate FxPublisher.com sharing their Real Account Performance with ForexPeaceArmy.com traders community!

2012-12-31 Test stopped after having run only 2 weeks per owner's request.

2012-12-17 FxPublisher New System Real Test started with help of Investor Access...

Description: Fxpublisher is a trading team that offer a forex managed account.In our Idea the statement will clear everything. Profit based on the risk that you agree to accept.  For more confirmation real investors can access to this published account too. REAL MONEY-REAL SITUATION-NO HIDDEN So no more explanation needed.Min investment is 25 000 for this product. You can see our other product in our website too.For any question please contact our LIVE support through skype.