Multitrader - Taiji Real Account Stopped test

by Site closed
-0.39% WEEKLY · 67.1 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
-17 (Gross Pips: -1,217)
Average P/L per Week:
-0.36% (Gross P/L: -23.22%)
Maximum Equity used:
30.63% (Sep 15, 2013, 10:06:00 AM)
Test started:
Aug 14, 2012
Test Stopped:
Nov 27, 2013 (Tested 67.1 weeks)
Voluntarily Quit

We appreciate sharing their signals Live performance with traders community!

2014-01-05 MultiTrader-Taiji Real Test stopped per owner's request. Note from owner: Trader of Taiji strategy decided to quit trading of this strategy after 4 years due to inconvenient market conditions.

2013-07-11 MultiTrader- Taiji Real Test started with help of Investor Access...

Description: The Multitrader platform connects investors to experienced traders. Through it, traders offer their automated or manually controlled trading strategies to clients who then receive these strategies as buy/sell/close signals to their trading account. Clients connected to these strategies have their market orders executed automatically at the trader's discretion. This whole process is based on the latest technology that transfers trading data between trader accounts and client accounts within milliseconds. All this is performed without any delays and therefore, greatly increases the probability for clients to profit.