Forexsurfin' Signals Real Account Stopped test

by Site closed
+1.28% WEEKLY · 55 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
+80 (Gross Pips: +4,405)
Average P/L per Week:
+1.16% (Gross P/L: +88.42%)
Maximum Equity used:
5.39% (Dec 4, 2013, 3:44:00 PM)
Test started:
Jan 7, 2013
Test Stopped:
Jan 27, 2014 (Tested 55 weeks)
Abandoned Test

We appreciate sharing their signals Live performance with traders community!

2014-02-07 ForexSurf Signals Real Test abandoned. Password changed without notifying the FPA. Email address bounced.

2013-11-14 ForexSurf Signals Real Test started with help of Investor Access.

Description: The system uses price action, supply demand levels (from CME futures) along with high regards to risk management. I am a believer in slow and steady growth. Read more about my journey at There are some days that I find great trades and I risk more for the number of pips.