Resolved: Warning: Vantage Refusing to Process Withdrawals with Endless Documentation Requests


Hello Forex Peace Army Community,

I am reaching out to share my distressing experience with Vantage and to seek advice from this knowledgeable community. My ordeal may serve as a cautionary tale for others considering trading with this broker.

1. Unprocessed Withdrawal Requests: My attempts to withdraw my funds from Vantage have been consistently thwarted. Despite fulfilling all their initial requirements, my withdrawal requests remain unprocessed.

2. Endless Loop of Documentation Demands: Each time I comply with a documentation request, Vantage comes up with another, creating an endless loop. This cycle has effectively barred me from accessing my funds, and it appears to be a deliberate stalling tactic.

3. Impact on Trust and Financial Planning: This situation has not only caused significant stress but also disrupted my financial plans. The lack of clear communication and transparency from Vantage is deeply concerning.

4. Seeking Community Insight: Has anyone else experienced similar issues with Vantage? How did you manage to resolve them, if at all? I am considering escalating this matter to regulatory bodies but would appreciate any advice or shared experiences from this forum.

5. Caution to Potential Clients: Based on my experience, I urge caution to anyone considering using Vantage's services. The inability to withdraw your own funds is a serious red flag, and the apparent use of documentation requests to delay or block withdrawals is unethical.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my experience. Any guidance, support, or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Hello Forex Peace Army Community,

I am reaching out to share my distressing experience with Vantage and to seek advice from this knowledgeable community. My ordeal may serve as a cautionary tale for others considering trading with this broker.

1. Unprocessed Withdrawal Requests: My attempts to withdraw my funds from Vantage have been consistently thwarted. Despite fulfilling all their initial requirements, my withdrawal requests remain unprocessed.

2. Endless Loop of Documentation Demands: Each time I comply with a documentation request, Vantage comes up with another, creating an endless loop. This cycle has effectively barred me from accessing my funds, and it appears to be a deliberate stalling tactic.

3. Impact on Trust and Financial Planning: This situation has not only caused significant stress but also disrupted my financial plans. The lack of clear communication and transparency from Vantage is deeply concerning.

4. Seeking Community Insight: Has anyone else experienced similar issues with Vantage? How did you manage to resolve them, if at all? I am considering escalating this matter to regulatory bodies but would appreciate any advice or shared experiences from this forum.

5. Caution to Potential Clients: Based on my experience, I urge caution to anyone considering using Vantage's services. The inability to withdraw your own funds is a serious red flag, and the apparent use of documentation requests to delay or block withdrawals is unethical.

Thank you for taking the time to read about my experience. Any guidance, support, or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Can you share the latest reply you received from them about your issue?
Initially, Vantage requested a selfie with my ID, which I provided promptly. Next, they asked for a bank statement, and I complied with this request as well. However, in their third email, they requested my tax declaration. Before providing this, I sought clarification with two specific questions regarding the withdrawal delay and future documentation requests, referencing articles 13.1 and 13.2 of the Client Agreement:

"Clarification on Withdrawal Delay: In reference to articles 13.1 and 13.2 of the Client Agreement, there is no explicit mention that AML checks could prevent or delay a withdrawal request. Could you please clarify why the withdrawal is being delayed under these articles?
Confirmation on Future Requests:
Once I provide the documents currently requested, can you confirm that my withdrawal will be processed without further delay? It is important for me to know whether you will continue to request additional documentation indefinitely, as I need assurance that this will not be a recurring issue."

Interestingly, they just keep ignoring my questions and their response was a generic email, repeating the previous request for a bank statement and mistakenly referencing "Brand Name" instead of Vantage. This oversight not only shows a lack of attention to detail but also indicates that they might not be thoroughly reviewing my case or responses.

This pattern of behavior is concerning. It suggests a deliberate strategy to avoid processing withdrawals by continually asking for more documentation. Despite my willingness to cooperate, their failure to directly address my questions and the repetitive nature of their requests lead me to believe that this could be an indefinite process. The way Vantage is applying and interpreting their clauses seems to give them unrestricted authority to demand endless documentation, which is not only unreasonable but also appears to be a tactic to indefinitely delay or deny my withdrawal.

Given this situation, I have decided not to provide the tax declaration or any further documentation until they give a clear and direct response to my questions. This stance is to prevent what seems to be an endless loop of document requests without any resolution in sight. I'm sharing this update here to caution others and to seek further advice on how to proceed.
Initially, Vantage requested a selfie with my ID, which I provided promptly. Next, they asked for a bank statement, and I complied with this request as well. However, in their third email, they requested my tax declaration. Before providing this, I sought clarification with two specific questions regarding the withdrawal delay and future documentation requests, referencing articles 13.1 and 13.2 of the Client Agreement:

"Clarification on Withdrawal Delay: In reference to articles 13.1 and 13.2 of the Client Agreement, there is no explicit mention that AML checks could prevent or delay a withdrawal request. Could you please clarify why the withdrawal is being delayed under these articles?
Confirmation on Future Requests: Once I provide the documents currently requested, can you confirm that my withdrawal will be processed without further delay? It is important for me to know whether you will continue to request additional documentation indefinitely, as I need assurance that this will not be a recurring issue."

Interestingly, they just keep ignoring my questions and their response was a generic email, repeating the previous request for a bank statement and mistakenly referencing "Brand Name" instead of Vantage. This oversight not only shows a lack of attention to detail but also indicates that they might not be thoroughly reviewing my case or responses.

This pattern of behavior is concerning. It suggests a deliberate strategy to avoid processing withdrawals by continually asking for more documentation. Despite my willingness to cooperate, their failure to directly address my questions and the repetitive nature of their requests lead me to believe that this could be an indefinite process. The way Vantage is applying and interpreting their clauses seems to give them unrestricted authority to demand endless documentation, which is not only unreasonable but also appears to be a tactic to indefinitely delay or deny my withdrawal.

Given this situation, I have decided not to provide the tax declaration or any further documentation until they give a clear and direct response to my questions. This stance is to prevent what seems to be an endless loop of document requests without any resolution in sight. I'm sharing this update here to caution others and to seek further advice on how to proceed.
Did you try the live chat for the same?
Did you try the live chat for the same?
When I reached out through their live chat for assistance, I received a standard response stating, "We are unable to process your withdrawal because your account is currently under review. Please contact your sales representative for further information."

This aligns with the pattern I've observed here on Forex Peace Army and in other client reviews. It seems Vantage's common practice involves a series of steps:

  1. Requesting a selfie with an ID in the first email.
  2. Asking for a bank statement in the second.
  3. Demanding a tax declaration in the third.
  4. And, as reported in other threads, the fourth email typically includes a request for six separate videos along with multiple additional documentation demands.
Another client mentioned resolving their issue by contacting the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC). I've already reached out to VFSC but to no avail yet. This pattern of requests from Vantage appears to be a deliberate strategy, interpreting their contract in such a way that gives them unrestricted rights to demand endless documentation, which not only seems unreasonable but also comes across as a tactic to indefinitely delay or deny withdrawals.

Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated as I navigate this frustrating situation.

Thanks for your support and guidance.
When I reached out through their live chat for assistance, I received a standard response stating, "We are unable to process your withdrawal because your account is currently under review. Please contact your sales representative for further information."

This aligns with the pattern I've observed here on Forex Peace Army and in other client reviews. It seems Vantage's common practice involves a series of steps:

  1. Requesting a selfie with an ID in the first email.
  2. Asking for a bank statement in the second.
  3. Demanding a tax declaration in the third.
  4. And, as reported in other threads, the fourth email typically includes a request for six separate videos along with multiple additional documentation demands.
Another client mentioned resolving their issue by contacting the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC). I've already reached out to VFSC but to no avail yet. This pattern of requests from Vantage appears to be a deliberate strategy, interpreting their contract in such a way that gives them unrestricted rights to demand endless documentation, which not only seems unreasonable but also comes across as a tactic to indefinitely delay or deny withdrawals.

Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated as I navigate this frustrating situation.

Thanks for your support and guidance.
What`s your total withdrawal?
6.2K in my account, only 100 euros are profits..


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