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Problem Investor warning -the BITCOIN UP affiliate marketing scam

I am having an issue with a company

Scam Reporters

Sergeant Major
There are indeed hundreds of different websites offering all sorts of investment scams. Chasing each one of them is useless. It is much better to identify the structure behind such websites. Although it's often hard. The so-called Affiliates are people and companies that engage in promotion of a broker, for a fee. If they knowingly and willingly promote a fraud or become aware they are promoting a fraud, they become co-conspirators by default. May not only become aware but make it their primary business to launch fraudulent and deceptive campaigns online to lure naïve retail consumers into a money trap. social media make it possible for them to exist and scam. Often they both create fraudulent content and hold broker websites. Also they hold tech providers (companies that create trading software and supporting software like CRM). In fact, the line is so blur nowadays, that everyone does everything. A perfect example would be Israeli Leverate. But they are not the subject of today's thread. They will be in another one, though...soon.

One of currently quite aggressive campaigns that targets many different regions, hence pops-up in any language you can think of, is the so-called BITCOIN UP. Like Bitcoin Code previously. It's all bull**** off curse, no one will ever see any money out of these crypto Ponzi scams, except the creators of campaign and 'brokers' they fwd leads to.

We have this website, for example, that gives you a hint of where the creators really are. They will off course not disclose publicly on the website. Off course not.




Appointments, companies and people around this sole 2nd registered website (presuming they are linked):

For sure this is not a solution, but it's a trace. We would not be surprised if it led to Ukraine eventually. Here is some more scam related: https://domainbigdata.com/

There is another one, as well, as a second example: bitcoin-up-invest.com





Lastly, when you try to visit https://bitcoin-up-invest.com/ you actually get additional info:



So its tied to 1K Daily Profit scam.




Interestingly, US (California) CyberChimps Inc are there... which is a bit strange, why would they be on the same IP, with just a few others (not like hundreds of registrants)

The point of the thread, at last, would be - do not fall for any social media bogus adds taking you to scam brokers. Do your homework first, it takes about few minutes to check on google. and it's free.