Romance Scam Sunton Capital Ltd. Scam (

Pig Slaughter and similar scams

The Punisher

Sunton Capital (SuntonFX) contacts victims on dating websites and lures potential investors to WhatsApp where they are convinced to make investments. Like many other scam brokers, this company is not registered or regulated by any Securities Commission and once a deposit is made investors are asked to pay taxes and other fees to make a withdraw. Victims are given excuse after excuse for why a withdraw cannot be made and eventually are stuck with all investments lost. The scammers running this website have a long history of other scam websites including Jinlong, AF Index, Rich Fund Tech Group, Furion Global and several others (see the chart below). This is a WARNING not to do any business with this company or you will lose any money sent to them.

Sunton Capital (SuntonFX) 在约会网站上联系受害者,并引诱潜在投资者使用 WhatsApp,在那里他们被说服进行投资。与许多其他诈骗经纪人一样,该公司未受任何证券委员会的注册或监管,一旦存款,投资者需要缴纳税款和其他费用才能提款。受害者得到一个又一个借口,解释为什么不能提款,并最终因所有投资损失而陷入困境。运营该网站的骗子在其他诈骗网站上有着悠久的历史,包括金龙、AF Index、Rich Fund Tech Group、Furion Global 和其他几个(见下图)。这是一个警告,不要与这家公司做任何业务,否则您将损失任何寄给他们的钱。






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Sunton Capital has created a clone site to continue scamming victims. The .com site below references/quotes ELIFX ( and there is a basic thread on FPA about this company. This is a WARNING not to do any business with Sand Wind FX.

I am a recent victim, I don't normally trade in forex. I didn't realize anything was wrong until I request a withdrawal. They do not know that I know they are scamming me, even the guy that is posing as my boyfriend still thinks I am just going along with it. I'd reported them to the FBI/FTC/NFA. What other steps do I need to do to try to recover this money? Or is it truly lost? You're the only one I have seen that has more information on this group.

the rejection excuse: You can only apply for withdrawal when the consumption(I guess they mean trades) reaches 80% of your top-up amount
I am a recent victim, I don't normally trade in forex. I didn't realize anything was wrong until I request a withdrawal. They do not know that I know they are scamming me, even the guy that is posing as my boyfriend still thinks I am just going along with it. I'd reported them to the FBI/FTC/NFA. What other steps do I need to do to try to recover this money? Or is it truly lost? You're the only one I have seen that has more information on this group.

the rejection excuse: You can only apply for withdrawal when the consumption(I guess they mean trades) reaches 80% of your top-up amount
Please also report the scam to FINRA. Without posting your personal information, please share their user profiles, phone numbers, etc. in this thread.
I am a recent victim, I don't normally trade in forex. I didn't realize anything was wrong until I request a withdrawal. They do not know that I know they are scamming me, even the guy that is posing as my boyfriend still thinks I am just going along with it. I'd reported them to the FBI/FTC/NFA. What other steps do I need to do to try to recover this money? Or is it truly lost? You're the only one I have seen that has more information on this group.

the rejection excuse: You can only apply for withdrawal when the consumption(I guess they mean trades) reaches 80% of your top-up amount

Sometimes they do fall when you tell them that you have friends or family who wants to invest too but they don’t see you can withdraw any money so they’ll make up some excuse and give some money back to bait you and scam more from the victim.

If you transferred your money through the bank just deal with the bank and see if they can help you retrieve any money because in few cases some victims got money back by doing that.

Lastly, just report these scumbags and spread the fake names and pictures of innocent people they stole from the internet here so they can stop using the same info on other potential victims.

Sorry that you are dealing with all these.
newbie here , I want to ask about suntonfx , I just check at here that suntonfx is scam website , just want to make sure is it the same company? or maybe they are operating with different marketing way?


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newbie here , I want to ask about suntonfx , I just check at here that suntonfx is scam website , just want to make sure is it the same company? or maybe they are operating with different marketing way?
@The Punisher already explained everything in detail I guess. So, what specifically do you want to know?
Sunton Capital (SuntonFX) contacts victims on dating websites and lures potential investors to WhatsApp where they are convinced to make investments
but at Indonesia , they are using different way , they will give signal to do trading at certain time , so just curious about it. as I upload attachment as well , they promise 3-5% profit each trading.
I am a recent victim, I don't normally trade in forex. I didn't realize anything was wrong until I request a withdrawal. They do not know that I know they are scamming me, even the guy that is posing as my boyfriend still thinks I am just going along with it. I'd reported them to the FBI/FTC/NFA. What other steps do I need to do to try to recover this money? Or is it truly lost? You're the only one I have seen that has more information on this group.

the rejection excuse: You can only apply for withdrawal when the consumption(I guess they mean trades) reaches 80% of your top-up amount
Please also report to the FTC and FINRA.
newbie here , I want to ask about suntonfx , I just check at here that suntonfx is scam website , just want to make sure is it the same company? or maybe they are operating with different marketing way?
Yes, this is the same scam company being discussed in this thread.