Recent content by BrandiAnne

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    Hi, I'm sorry I didn't connect with you sooner... I did speak with a man from California who they helped recover about $100,000 for him. I have actually been working with my bank, and many bankers are not aware of the 540 day chargeback rule that Mastercard and Visa use, and it's new in 2015...
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    Discuss (Muh Ikhsan)

    I have read the negative discussion comments about Muh Ikhsan and the Signal 30 trading software. I have this software, and use the Platinum Version and have just requested his new Imagine 2018 version. I bounced around trading systems and finally took the time to learn the software, follow the...
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    I actually contacted to see if they could help me get money back from Tradorax. As they squandered my money, replaced it with unknown bonuses then put it into a long-term losing trade, that was "insured" LOL, let someone else besides the account manager trade my money and so on...
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    Review Moderation or Kindergarten?

    ok D is a good answer! they are all quite know so many of us are very angry at the scamming situations that are happening, so I guess sometimes, let a little wind out of those sails, and give em hell!
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    GUILTY Case# 2017-050 | kweku vs

    Is it too late to try for a chargeback? Explain the case to the bank, to the card company, and sometimes they will let you do this within a year. I'm happy you didn't let him get more money from you. I am sick of these scams. This is our hard earned money! Karma! It will get them all eventually.
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    GUILTY Case# 2017-044 | Ekbacken vs

    I think that credit card companies need to be notified when these scams continue to happen, and there is no recourse, usually the binary companies will drag us around until the charge-back time limit is up. I wonder if we start going after these credit card companies for dealing with fraudulent...
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    GUILTY Case# 2017-040 | jeffie1 vs

    Paypal has a pretty good refund system. Have you tried?
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    GUILTY Case# 2017-043 | Sumanv vs

    How in the hell are we going to stop these fraudulent, unethical scamming pieces of ****? We need to get together and go on a greenpeace type mission and break down some doors and get internationally known! This is just becoming too much. We need to let the banks and the merchant companies...
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    GUILTY Case# 2017-042 | deslimth vs

    Just so you know this, you will never be in trouble for cancelling a wire transfer, especially if it for the purpose of fraud. As a matter of fact, why don't you contact Citibank and make them aware of this merchant? Let them know what is happening, and let them know that they are doing...
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    GUILTY Case# 2017-029 | @Will vs

    I think these Binary Companies just sprouted up because of the initial hype of trading Binary, The FBI has also gotten involved with Binary Options scams because there are just so many of them, This is just blatant theft. Grand theft, petty theft, theft. They have taken our money, without it...