Recent content by fderiwala

  1. fderiwala


    I can see on the discord spreadsheet they are showing they lost almost 100k Euros. Really got to feel for someone if they lost that much.
  2. fderiwala


    A lot of people including myself, didn't get anything back.
  3. fderiwala


    It isn't even about recouping losses its about them hitting vulnerable people hard. I hope (and pray) you all recover the money and more someway with good karma.
  4. fderiwala


    I've filed a complaint in the UK this morning. I think everyone should do so, so it carries enough weight. They must have duped their clients of millions. Europol:
  5. fderiwala


    Serves me right for ignoring all the warning signs - greedy get burnt.
  6. fderiwala


    I think they've spent the last few days rearranging money. To maximise their gains and leave us paupers with the bill.
  7. fderiwala


    I'm absolutely gutted.
  8. fderiwala


    They've updated the front page. Seems to me I lost all my money I gave them.
  9. fderiwala


    No adjustments just a some good gains until this week and then a couple of trades with huge losses on Dash/ Bitcoin/ USDAUD/ USDJPY which have wiped the account. It READS like someone placed a few really bad trades with no risk management and lost everything.
  10. fderiwala


    I check in my BlueTrading account every now and then - been busy with life. I saw on this morning my account is at -£300. On the current balance I've lost all my investment and 6 month worth of gains. I emailed them and got an instant reply about how they are investigating. Don't want to...
  11. fderiwala


    Opened an account in October 2018. Will try and post my experiences with here on this thread with them.