Recent content by FraudKiller

  1. FraudKiller

    GUILTY Case# 2016-185 | neric vs

    FACT: The entire concept of Binary Options is pure gambling i.e. same as playing a fruit machine in Las Vegas. FACT: The companies that offer Binary Options are all owned by criminal organisations (mafia if you will). FACT: Try collecting your money i.e. actually finding them and you'll almost...
  2. FraudKiller

    Roger Buckley and Lars Beitnes have threatened legal action against the FPA

    These scammers are so far up their own arse that they really do not even realise that anyyone who decides to pay attention can see the colour of their undies!
  3. FraudKiller

    Rechard Salmon from GoldCrudeResearch doesn't want you to read reviews for his company

    There are some very profound and counter-intuitive dynamics about the Forex business that are opposite of what we all know about the world of business. In Forex:- 1. The more money in your account, the lower the risk whereas it is always the case that the more one invests in any project, the...
  4. FraudKiller

    Rechard Salmon from GoldCrudeResearch doesn't want you to read reviews for his company

    It is said that any publicity is better than no publicity at all...... this seems to be true everywhere except FPA where Mr Rechard Salmon should taken some advice before opening his yap. Never start a battle you cannot win and never make a threat you cannot follow through with. Seems Mr...
  5. FraudKiller

    Rechard Salmon from GoldCrudeResearch doesn't want you to read reviews for his company

    Take the UK phone number for this scammer and then plug it into google search. First, the telephone prefix 01744 is not London and no address comes up in the search. Also,k study carefully the language the fool is using.... Nothing fits. Been with them for 2 months and already met them twice on...
  6. FraudKiller

    Rechard Salmon from GoldCrudeResearch doesn't want you to read reviews for his company Look at the Careers page of this scammer website. Looking to hire 10 MBA grads so that's a payroll of at least usd$1,000,000 and probably more and the people at cannot even use the English language correctly? Connect the dots and you see...
  7. FraudKiller

    Brett Fogle is threatening to sue the FPA to have a forums post removed

    I just read the very long exchange above between Bill K and a scammer. These scammers are mind-numbingly stupid people i.e. no critical-thinking skills, zero logic and an evil heart. Clearly, they think the world owes them a living?
  8. FraudKiller

    Brett Fogle is threatening to sue the FPA to have a forums post removed

    I always wonder what the mothers of these scammers think about their own child that they raised and inflicted upon the world. I think they didn't get mother's milk when they were an infant. They probably got fed infant formula?
  9. FraudKiller

    Roger Buckley and Lars Beitnes have threatened legal action against the FPA

    I rather suspect Roger and Lars are the same person?
  10. FraudKiller

    Roger Buckley and Lars Beitnes have threatened legal action against the FPA

    Bll K. You are a pillar of patience and are to generous with your time because I would have told these clowns to eff off from the start.
  11. FraudKiller

    2015 Scoundrel of the Year Vote

    Sorry, but please allow my to be as blunt as you have been. You need to sharpen your critical-thinking skills. If FPA were a cyber-bully or a purveyor of lies, FPA would have been gone a very long time ago. None of your arguments makes an ounce of sense. Your "let's be fair to everyone" approach...
  12. FraudKiller

    Rechard Salmon from GoldCrudeResearch doesn't want you to read reviews for his company

    After attempting to read the website of GoldCrudeResearch,com, I feel slightly dizzy and would never return again. All the "signals" (excuse the pun) are there to tell anyone that this is a fraud i.e excessive self-promotion, data overload, web design with no savvy or read-ability. It looks more...
  13. FraudKiller

    Rechard Salmon from GoldCrudeResearch doesn't want you to read reviews for his company

    Never start a fight you cannot win Never make a threat you cannot follow through on
  14. FraudKiller

    Rechard Salmon from GoldCrudeResearch doesn't want you to read reviews for his company

    In denial or, more to the point.... head so far up his own ass that he doesn't even realise that "The Emperor has no cllothes" and, in this case, Mr Rechard Salmon (makes me hungry thinking about wild salmon)..... This poor chap got rumbled and he didn't reckon i=on finding a bunch of reasonably...