Recent content by pippinjay

  1. P

    Let's Trash Felix!

    The Felix Code I've figured it out. Felix is so much more important than forex, and the clues have been all around us. Forex means foreign exchange. We exchange one thing for another. Felix exchanged one career for another. In codes, it is very common to scramble the letters and have...
  2. P


    My forex broker and I are working on a retirement plan. Unfortunately, it's his! ;)
  3. P

    From 50K to $1.5M in 45 days - Here's the proof!

    Pharaoh, you worry too much! :p First let's see how it works, then add in risk control. Genghis, can you give us a clue about how you managed such a high win/loss ratio?
  4. P


    When does a person decide to become a forex broker? When he realizes he doesn't have enough honesty to be a mobster or enough charisma to be an undertaker.
  5. P


    This place needs some livening up. Food and Heart Attacks After an exhaustive review of the research literature, here's the final word on nutrition and heart health. 1. Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than us. 2. Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer...
  6. P

    Win $250 - FPA Contest #1 is now open!

    Do I get a bonus for being the first person to enter the contest?
  7. P

    ATTEN-HUN!! All Recruits report immediately for a welcome message!!

    Hi everyone I'm totally new to all of this. Can I buy a vowel? Jay