Romance Scam Scammers Published Handbook (aka Kill Pig Plate 杀猪盘)

Pig Slaughter and similar scams

The Punisher

There is a published handbook in China for how these scams work and the handbook is actually used by most of the scam companies reported on FPA. Please take a few minutes to read these articles and they show step by step what the individuals are taught for scamming your money (the articles are in English).

Third — Slaughter the Pig. The scammer will invite the victim to download an app he uses for his mentioned financial pursuit. Crucially, he will provide the link to download the app. The app may look polished and even comes with a customer service team to enhance credibility- they are actually the scammer’s fellow fraudsters, working together as a team, to entrap the victim.

Finally, the Pig is left for dead. After being squeezed dry, the victim will realize they can no longer contact the scammer. And so, after what seemed to be a sweet romance, the victim is left with a scarred memory and a big hole in their bank account.




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A few more articles about the process followed by the scammers. This is almost identical to most scams reported on FPA! By the time most read these articles its too late however this is further proof that these are organized criminal organizations. While some are in China many are also in Cambodia and Laos.

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Thanks for sharing all these articles. Apparently these organizations have been scamming Chinese people for a few years already. I have seen a lot of documentaries from China doing PSA, telling people to watch out for these scams. A lot of people in the rural area have lost savings and went to borrow lots of money for this. Now, they know the Chinese authorities are after them so, lately their organizations are targeting westerners.

Chinese authorities will only go after these crooks if their citizens were affected, therefore even if they operated from other countries, Chinese govt will put them behind bars, so hopefully western countries officials will put pressure to the Chinese officials and do a collaboration to catch these scums.
A few more articles, similar to the ones above, with the most recent being from January 2021. I am hoping many users here take a few minutes to read at least one of these articles and educate themselves on how the criminals think and act. This will help adjust your mindset around the fact this is a large and well organized group of criminals.

There’s more about this “killing pig-plate” scam from Reddit:

Q&A about Pig-Butchering scammers (What are they? Do they share victims? What happens if they run into other scammers in online dating? Can they date at co-workers? What happens to victims' nude pics? etc.)

**About the Pig Butchering scam / Shazhupan:** [

*Many thanks to victims who were able to make their scammers talk and shared their conversations. Corroborated with sources in Chinese media.*

**What are they?**

If you mean the person you're chatting with in online dating, they are mostly jobless young men recruited from mainland China, between 17 to early 20s, from poor backgrounds and no college. They go work for (in many cases mislead to work for) Chinese "companies" engaged in telecom/internet fraud in various Southeast Asian countries. Inside they are called "dog-pushers" (狗推 goutui) doing the grunt work of chatting up the victims everyday.

One source: [ corroborated independently by another victim who spoke Chinese to scammer, also Chinese news media


(For men) **Men? But I hear a girl's voice??**

[I couldn't believe it either, but...](

[Chat from another victim. I won't be translating, but for benefit those who can read Chinese, or want to use google picture translate. I will just summarize dryly below :\/](

The company has a few women (and men) who do voice work for short voice messages and even appear on video chat (but not too clearly). The dog-pushers lets them read recent chats, or use voice changers themselves. You generally don't hear their voice.

[Chinese news sources say these as well](

But each company can be different. I and others have spoken with female scammers on the phone in Mandarin at length that pretty sure weren't using voice changers. No background noise, good quality microphones. Their style is to do a lot of voice calls ASAP in the relationship to establish intimacy quickly. I even have an anecdote of a college student in Boston *video*\-*chatting* with a shazhupan female scammer using a *Tinder-verified* account. I saw the screenshots but haven't gotten permission to share them, but I can say the background is like the ceiling of an old office building with glare from cheap florescent lights.

**Do they share victims or keep records of them?**

Generally, not (according to one scammer). One dog-pusher is responsible for his own pigs. When victim gets slaughtered and becomes intolerable, they block and move on.

**What happens when they run into (match with) other ShaZhuPan (Pig-Butchering) scammers online?**

[Competitors, in a sense. I suggested this fun question ;\)](

**Where are they?**

[They are physically holed in any of the Southeast Asian countries since blatant telecom\/online fraud has been pushed out of China. ](

[\\"The Pearl\\" building in Manila, Philippines is one such shady gambling den. source: 东南亚30万骗子,正在毁掉中国三代人! \(\) ](

[It's like 90% of them are in Vientiane, Laos](

[blah blah blah... scammer is eating midnight snack and has to follow New York time ](

**Can they date co-workers (co-scammers)?**

**How many does one goutui/dog-pusher scam?**

Many, obviously. At any one time one goutui is talking to a dozen or so potential victims, with many fake accounts, though he gets really engaged with one or two at a time.

[Scammer bragging that he 'only' has 5 iPhones, all brand new, for his work. Right: a screenshot of one of his his phones, translation in red](

**(for men, again) Was I really talking to a 18-y.o. male punk? But it really feels like a woman!!**

Corroborated by another person, and Chinese sources. These people are trained (see my other posts); in some companies *goutui* even take classes, mentored by coaches and review their progress everyday in company meetings to improve their craft.


Guys might not be aware, but the *majority* of reported victims of Pig-Butchering Scam are women, mostly 30s and 40s.

(For females) **What happens to my nude pics??**

According to this article, your private pics to your naughty 'baby' are, without exception, possibly shared and discussed around their group of scammers. Most of them are lowlifes with no morals, so there's really nothing stopping them. At minimum, 4 people would have seen it: you, your scammer, his team leader and their coach, likely more.

If it's any consolation. I'd think goutui have seen so much of this anyway, and they don't really hate you enough to publish it to the wider internet.

**Whose pics am I seeing?**

All stolen. Each goutui is crafts his own fake profile from company providers, but one can buy fake dating profiles for $20 USD at the lowest, to $100 USD or more for the most authentic ones.

**(for men) So whose naughty pics am I seeing??**

Probably stolen or from some porn site. It's obvious from some pics they've sent (not posting). They have a file folder prepared.

**What does your scammer really want, personally?**

Aside from getting getting rich off a pile of broken hearts? They want to pay off debts to their company and go home to China.

[When asked when is he going to leave his life of crime, this goutui says he wants \~$400k USD. Because company takes \~85%, he has to scam \~$4M USD in a month to go home](

**Do they ever get remorseful?**

Inside, probably, there's a wide variety and quality of scammers. I've been told *goutui* feel less guilty scamming non-Chinese foreigners, especially old white men. Psychologically, I've read scammers block victims afterwards also to not see their pain. Online technology makes it possible to scam without getting up close and personal.

Poison of love!
The victims do not just lose their money.
They also lose their trust on love!
Pure evil!!!
There is a published handbook in China for how these scams work and the handbook is actually used by most of the scam companies reported on FPA. Please take a few minutes to read these articles and they show step by step what the individuals are taught for scamming your money (the articles are in English).

Third — Slaughter the Pig. The scammer will invite the victim to download an app he uses for his mentioned financial pursuit. Crucially, he will provide the link to download the app. The app may look polished and even comes with a customer service team to enhance credibility- they are actually the scammer’s fellow fraudsters, working together as a team, to entrap the victim.

Finally, the Pig is left for dead. After being squeezed dry, the victim will realize they can no longer contact the scammer. And so, after what seemed to be a sweet romance, the victim is left with a scarred memory and a big hole in their bank account.

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Thanks for sharing. Hope you get to the bottom of it.
There’s more about this “killing pig-plate” scam from Reddit:

Q&A about Pig-Butchering scammers (What are they? Do they share victims? What happens if they run into other scammers in online dating? Can they date at co-workers? What happens to victims' nude pics? etc.)

**About the Pig Butchering scam / Shazhupan:** [

*Many thanks to victims who were able to make their scammers talk and shared their conversations. Corroborated with sources in Chinese media.*

**What are they?**

If you mean the person you're chatting with in online dating, they are mostly jobless young men recruited from mainland China, between 17 to early 20s, from poor backgrounds and no college. They go work for (in many cases mislead to work for) Chinese "companies" engaged in telecom/internet fraud in various Southeast Asian countries. Inside they are called "dog-pushers" (狗推 goutui) doing the grunt work of chatting up the victims everyday.

One source: [ corroborated independently by another victim who spoke Chinese to scammer, also Chinese news media


(For men) **Men? But I hear a girl's voice??**

[I couldn't believe it either, but...](

[Chat from another victim. I won't be translating, but for benefit those who can read Chinese, or want to use google picture translate. I will just summarize dryly below :\/](

The company has a few women (and men) who do voice work for short voice messages and even appear on video chat (but not too clearly). The dog-pushers lets them read recent chats, or use voice changers themselves. You generally don't hear their voice.

[Chinese news sources say these as well](

But each company can be different. I and others have spoken with female scammers on the phone in Mandarin at length that pretty sure weren't using voice changers. No background noise, good quality microphones. Their style is to do a lot of voice calls ASAP in the relationship to establish intimacy quickly. I even have an anecdote of a college student in Boston *video*\-*chatting* with a shazhupan female scammer using a *Tinder-verified* account. I saw the screenshots but haven't gotten permission to share them, but I can say the background is like the ceiling of an old office building with glare from cheap florescent lights.

**Do they share victims or keep records of them?**

Generally, not (according to one scammer). One dog-pusher is responsible for his own pigs. When victim gets slaughtered and becomes intolerable, they block and move on.

**What happens when they run into (match with) other ShaZhuPan (Pig-Butchering) scammers online?**

[Competitors, in a sense. I suggested this fun question ;\)](

**Where are they?**

[They are physically holed in any of the Southeast Asian countries since blatant telecom\/online fraud has been pushed out of China. ](

[\\"The Pearl\\" building in Manila, Philippines is one such shady gambling den. source: 东南亚30万骗子,正在毁掉中国三代人! \(\) ](

[It's like 90% of them are in Vientiane, Laos](

[blah blah blah... scammer is eating midnight snack and has to follow New York time ](

**Can they date co-workers (co-scammers)?**

**How many does one goutui/dog-pusher scam?**

Many, obviously. At any one time one goutui is talking to a dozen or so potential victims, with many fake accounts, though he gets really engaged with one or two at a time.

[Scammer bragging that he 'only' has 5 iPhones, all brand new, for his work. Right: a screenshot of one of his his phones, translation in red](

**(for men, again) Was I really talking to a 18-y.o. male punk? But it really feels like a woman!!**

Corroborated by another person, and Chinese sources. These people are trained (see my other posts); in some companies *goutui* even take classes, mentored by coaches and review their progress everyday in company meetings to improve their craft.


Guys might not be aware, but the *majority* of reported victims of Pig-Butchering Scam are women, mostly 30s and 40s.

(For females) **What happens to my nude pics??**

According to this article, your private pics to your naughty 'baby' are, without exception, possibly shared and discussed around their group of scammers. Most of them are lowlifes with no morals, so there's really nothing stopping them. At minimum, 4 people would have seen it: you, your scammer, his team leader and their coach, likely more.

If it's any consolation. I'd think goutui have seen so much of this anyway, and they don't really hate you enough to publish it to the wider internet.

**Whose pics am I seeing?**

All stolen. Each goutui is crafts his own fake profile from company providers, but one can buy fake dating profiles for $20 USD at the lowest, to $100 USD or more for the most authentic ones.

**(for men) So whose naughty pics am I seeing??**

Probably stolen or from some porn site. It's obvious from some pics they've sent (not posting). They have a file folder prepared.

**What does your scammer really want, personally?**

Aside from getting getting rich off a pile of broken hearts? They want to pay off debts to their company and go home to China.

[When asked when is he going to leave his life of crime, this goutui says he wants \~$400k USD. Because company takes \~85%, he has to scam \~$4M USD in a month to go home](

**Do they ever get remorseful?**

Inside, probably, there's a wide variety and quality of scammers. I've been told *goutui* feel less guilty scamming non-Chinese foreigners, especially old white men. Psychologically, I've read scammers block victims afterwards also to not see their pain. Online technology makes it possible to scam without getting up close and personal.

Interesting. Especially the psychology and questions on feeling sorry for the victims. That might be why we piggys over the the course of a couple of months -experience (in my case) no less than 3 different accountmanagers. .