FPA Reviews Upgrade – Now your reviews can tie to your account

FPA Reviews Upgrade – Now your reviews can tie to your account

If you haven’t noticed yet, the reviews got upgraded 2 weeks ago. There have been many small upgrades to the reviews over the years, but this is the first complete overhaul of the system.

Why did I wait 2 weeks to say anything about this? I had that same conversation with the Supreme Admin earlier today. The front end is fully functional. I was holding off until the back end, where reviews are moderated, was a little better, but I can’t put off the announcement indefinitely.

Is it all bad? No. There are some new features on the back end which have already proven to be very valuable. Once all the buttons are moved to the right places and I can get few other things put in a more logical order, things should go much faster. You can see the new reviews here…

Forex Reviews from the Forex Peace Army

Due to misfortune in the scheduling of the guards, the one programmer who can fix many of the quirks on the back end somehow got out of his cage and fled into the countryside. I’ve deployed canine search teams and hope to have him returned to work soon. To prevent incidents of this sort from happening in the future, all programmers will wear ankle and wrist shackles during any major upgrades and will not be unchained until everything is back to normal.

In the meantime, please enjoy the new front end of the reviews system. Registered FPA members will have their forums avatars displayed alongside their reviews. I think the guy from GSI will regret having created that forums account before leaving a “client” review for his own company.

Please be aware that review and new site moderation is behind schedule and will remain so for another week or two.

The new back end software will also enable many features I’ve wanted for years to finally be implemented. I’ll announce those as they come out.

Please point out whatever you like or don’t like about the new review pages in this thread. If you have any suggestions, please put those here too.

Author Profile

AsstModerator FPA

AsstModerator FPA

Bill started off as the Assistant Moderator to the FPA's forums in December 2007. Not long after, he was promoted to being the forums administrator. Even with the promotion, he kept the same username, which led to some very amusing conversations with people who didn't know that Bill and AsstModerator were the same person.

Being blamed for everything people disagreed with in the forums wasn't enough punishment for Bill. A few months after becoming the forums admin, he started making suggestions to improve the moderation of the FPA's reviews. Now Bill is the person who gets blamed for everything people get blamed for in the forums and reviews.


2632 Views 7 Comments


7 years ago,
Registered user
Search the site more convenient. Yes. Updated comments, thanks.
:)Programmer to feed not tried? That would be from the cage not run away?)))
7 years ago,
Registered user
The programmers get fed at least once a day. They've also got beer on tap in their cages. I have no idea why this one broke out.
7 years ago,
Registered user
about Reviews Upgrade:

* I would locate link to Review Page somewhere on menu bar at the upper top of the page.

This is main concept to have all site summary on the top of all other topics discussed on this site.

* Why “Review &Tests” label? It would be more user friendly, if say “Forex and Binary Companies Review”. Sound long, but says about itself. Site is very useful and I believe that visitors here are people from around the world whose English is not native. I believe that lot of visitors use translators to understand many words here in context. You should remember about this when work on software.

* When review page appears 1st time it should look like list of companies in alphabetic order (previous version was better). Now, first impression – looks like advertising.

* Filters – I wouldn’t split into Categories and Tags. Most of all, User should be able search by company name. This search doesn’t give expected results properly: If user searches for the company which exist in data base then yes, works as expected. But if searched company not in data base, then should be “No results found for your search criteria - Company name: BLABLA.COM” and nothing in the results section. User should see what search criteria was used. And have a link forwarding back “Change your search criteria”. But now, search result is showing some companies – which is wrong.

* Sure, User should be able to find recommended companies (with 4-5 stars) in between Forex or Binary companies. That is why I think they should belong to one category. I mean 2 check boxes for category. Now, If I search by Binary checkbox only for 4 and 5 stars, the search result gives wrong results. I would advise to test search function - now gives unexpected results

* I do not think, that so many filters required. Too much to test…Do we need all of them?

* The process to modify these search criteria: you need identify requirements with use cases and expected results and after give to programmer and after coded to tester.
7 years ago,
Registered user
For items 1 and 2, the designers have to make this work for computers, tablets, and phones, so the menus are a little compressed. You can either double-click on Reviews and Test or click it once and then click Reviews and Ratings from the dropdown menu.

For item 3, look on the far left in the Sort By bar. Those two icons toggle between the "blocky" listing of review pages and the old style list.

I'm having some discussions with the coders over the filters involving categories and tags and filtering. Some of the filter selections are operating as OR instead of AND. I've explained to the coders that few readers would want a mixed list of all brokers offering MT4 intermingled with all forex mentors. I sincerely hope to see some improvements by the end of September.
7 years ago,
Registered user
Hello all,

My suggestion might be biased, but i hope it makes sense nonetheless. The "category" area (collapsible area showing/hiding only 6 additional tick boxes) should probably be always expanded as they are few and important. I.e. the "categories" area does not really need a show/hide arrow button (like the tags do due to the number of options).

As it is at the moment it is not obvious enough that there are other hidden major categories that require expanding the menu.

Thank you for considering this
4 years ago,
Registered user
I noticed the reviews user profile only links to other reviews. It does not have a link to their FPA user profile. The FPA user profile would show their full activity as a user.
3 years ago,
Registered user
Will take a while to navigate around to see what you have done to this site Bill but, it does looks like the FPA site has been refurbished very nicely.

For now, only one suggestion:
"...all programmers will wear ankle and wrist shackles..."
Get one of those ankle & wrist strap with built-in electric shock :p