Forex Peace Army Coupon Program in Reviews

Forex Peace Army Coupon Program in Reviews

The FPA has been beta testing a Coupons and Promotions Program inside the FPA’s reviews. These are designed to bring offers to FPA readers which are not available elsewhere. It seems to be working, so I believe the time has come to make everyone aware of it.

To find these offers, first, go to the FPA’s reviews and then…

  1. Click the More Filters button.
  2. Check the Current Promotions button.
  3. Click the Apply Filters button.

That will take you to a list of all companies with current coupons.

For company owners, if you want to be able to submit coupons and promotions, or do anything else that company reps in the reviews can do, there are full instructions here…

Please be aware that Bonus offers are not accepted as part of the FPA Coupons and Promotions Program.

Author Profile

AsstModerator FPA

AsstModerator FPA

Bill started off as the Assistant Moderator to the FPA's forums in December 2007. Not long after, he was promoted to being the forums administrator. Even with the promotion, he kept the same username, which led to some very amusing conversations with people who didn't know that Bill and AsstModerator were the same person.

Being blamed for everything people disagreed with in the forums wasn't enough punishment for Bill. A few months after becoming the forums admin, he started making suggestions to improve the moderation of the FPA's reviews. Now Bill is the person who gets blamed for everything people get blamed for in the forums and reviews.


1885 Views 3 Comments


8 years ago,
Registered user
8 years ago,
Registered user
If I'm planning to buy something anyway, there's no harm in looking for a coupon.
8 years ago,
Registered user
Thanks Pharaoh