Ponzi Scheme TadawulME / Exential Group:

Guaranteed profits become guaranteed losses.
Greetings from Exential Group!

This is the last time I'm coming here, I'm not going to wast my time and energy trying to calm people down, the company is explaining the currently situation, they are explaining what's going on, they are giving a time frame, they're a looking for solutions, if they're to run away with your money, they'd have done already, as many companies did without saying a word.

2 girls went with the lawyer to the office and they're shouting and yelling, telling that they want their money back, after exential explained the situation, the lawyer said: They (exential) are giving you an option, they're explaining why the 20 days period are not being honored, if you want to fight on the court, it's going to take longer, if you want to wait and see if they're going to pay as per new time frame, it's up to you and it may be the faster way.

I hope you keep your word and we see the last of you, you seem to have a vested interest in seeing EG continue. How much did you invest? How much could you lose?

You seemed quasi intellectual debunking UT earlier on another thread, do you see no correlation to EG?

Calming people down seems like a great strategy to secure your returns, but the truth always comes out. You seem to realise EG shows all the signs of a Ponzi, and yet come here to defend it. How much did you invest. How many months are needed for you to get your money back?

B****hit. Any lawyer I know, even more so in DXB would not recommend dropping a case... Every letter/email written costs at least 500-1000AED, these "girls" would be cash cows...

Nice try...wish you luck getting your capital back. And shame on you for cheating your colleagues... Karma will always bite back.
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I reported Exential last night to Al Barsha police station and they told me to go straight to Dubai Court. I went this morning to Dubai Court and presented all the evidence. I was instructed to go to typing centers and have my complaint translated to Arabic. By Sunday, all of my documents will be ready for submission to court. I closed my accounts in January and still have not received my money. I included in my complaint my Relationship Manager because I have an e-mail communication from him saying the specific date as to when I will receive my money.
Of course that time already lapsed and I still did not receive my money. For those who closed their accounts and have not received your money yet, file a complaint to Dubai Court. The more complaint they will receive, the faster Exential will be held liable. At this point, we are not yet required to hire lawyers. Dubai Court is open from 7am to 12noon.
Just a heads up, do not sign any documents that Exential will ask you sign.

Hey @delasoul any luck with your case? I am in the same situation. I am keen to join any common action from all of us or just file a case.
Hey guys,

For those trying to send emails to the a Anti-economic crimes department the email in the National is slightly wrong please use the below

This is enough they will start an investigation,I do not wish Exential harm but this will help establish if they are legit,and also get money back if there is any.
Has anyone got any idea about trading currencies? By the look of it, it seems that all of you gave 20000$ to someone and expect them to return 8% a month. But at first, when you gave your money, did you make any research on what is "Forex"? Well you should have. If you did, and if you tried, you would have a better idea on what is Forex Trading. They are still making profit. Check their myFXbook.
So what is going on, is that they are trying to expand, and the problems they are facing is not related to trading. It is related to business expansion. If it was a Ponzi scheme, they would have been caught many years ago.
I, myself have been trading currencies and commodities for the past 3 years. 8% a month return is nothing compare to what people can do. People make 50% a day trading currencies. But not everyone can be consistent like Exential Group. This a new type of business. So for those of you who are always complaining about not receiving your monthly profit, you should have known from the beginning that the money invested in Forex is money that you can afford to lose. So for 3,4,5,6,7 or even 8 months, if you did not get your profit, you should not get worried as you should not need this money from the beginning . As long as they make profit, give Exential Group time to adjust to their new business environment.
For those of you who hates my comment on this site...... "I love you"
Hi Guys,

I am following this forum for some months now. Many people are just leaving their opinion..
We are now not in the stage to hear opinion instead we shall get together for a joint petition to police or lawyer or court. somebody needs to take an initiative to make a group of people who intend to complain to the authority.

I ready to do that initiative, those who are interested please send me an email to hrithik555@gmail.com, you shall forward this mail id to your friends aswell.

Coming into Exential bull ****, we can differentiate the investors into three categories (my point of view).

1. People who Invested one or more accounts and all the capital received back from the profit received.

2. People who Invested one or more accounts and the capital is partially received back from the profit received.

3. People who Invested one or more accounts and none of the capital is received back from or from account closure.

Majority of the people comes under first two categories. So those who already received back all their capitals from profit doesn't care if this collapse or not (1st categ), People of second category are still expecting to get their capital from next 2 to 3 profits. Only the third category people are aggressive now. that is the reason veryless complaints are going to authorities.

Now, we need to know how many are those who doesn't even received their first profit and initiated their withdrawal of account from Exential and didn't get back their capital. So guys in the 2nd and 3rd category please contact me or invite me to any of your existing group to make a mass petition, i hope it might work.

Reading all these forums are good, but think again and again before you take a decision.

All the best. :)