Romance Scam Lan Gui Ming 兰桂明 350122198006093819 - Scam Boss Exposed

Pig Slaughter and similar scams

The Punisher

Lan, Gu Ming is a scam boss responsible for running many Pig Butchering/Romance Scams that included using MetaTrader and Crypto to steal from innocent victims. Some of the victims on FPA had their funds stolen by scams ran by Lan. Lan also works with the scam Director of Hai Ming International Secretary Company, Fu Hai Ou. Fu has registered thousands of fake investment companies in Hong Kong and works with other scam bosses besides Lan. These two are both Chinese criminals who steal millions of dollars from innocent hard working people. I recommend victims work to criminally prosecute these individuals.

Lan, Gui Ming (兰桂明)

China ID: 350122198006093819 (China ID's are given to citizens at birth and are your unique identifier as a Chinese citizen)
Date of Birth: June 9, 1980
Home address: GaoYue Village #29, Pandu Town, Lianjiang County, Fujiang Province


Phone number and QQ email sometimes used by Lan and a different criminal associate "Alan Lee"


Hai Ming International Secretary Company - Scam Boss
Fu, Hai Ou

China ID: 420822198911233769
Date of birth: November 23, 1989
Home address: Room #1007, unit D, Bld No. 17, Kéyuàn Project 6,BùshāRoad. Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province


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