Recent content by Yahia

  1. Y


    Please think about it why he will join us if he have no problem.?? And i just give you an example there are also allot of accounts at that day and same time and they lost money.. Why the company don't delete there archive and comeback money to them like my situation. ?
  2. Y


    This is a screen shot to the account number 1133375 and he is agree to check it. You can be sure of that by sending an email. He has no problem to solve atall.
  3. Y


  4. Y


    No he have no problem with his account but I give you as example that we trade with the same time and same strategy and he get all his profit an i get nothing.
  5. Y


    The acount number is : 1133375 Please check it and reply my question
  6. Y


    Good day But i have an another account number belong to my friend and he have more than 900 $ at the same time and same strategy that I worked with . And he get all his money. Why he get the money and i not ??? We must have the same decision from the company. The acoont
  7. Y


    I have sent two messages to FBS and i get no replay ..!!
  8. Y


    how can i do that i try but i didnt now how ???
  9. Y


    I'm Dr. Yahia Smamoneh i am from Syria and resident in Sweden for a long time I work in the field of forex four years ago. Problem that on 10/03/2016 at 16:00 i made several operations and the 15 process and were varied between the sale and purchase of a pair Eurodollar and achieved a profit...