EUR/USD Daily Video, 24 April 2017

Sive Morten

Special Consultant to the FPA
Good morning,

Right now we do not know how market will open on Monday, thus, still keep our scenario and will be watching for bearish patterns on intraday charts:

The technical portion of Sive's analysis owes a great deal to Joe DiNapoli's methods, and uses a number of Joe's proprietary indicators. Please note that Sive's analysis is his own view of the market and is not endorsed by Joe DiNapoli or any related companies.
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Guys, I've said million of times - wait for email. Because I create thread with video while it is still uploading.
Hi Sive
Re the Eur/Usd interesting what you said re this pair in connection to the election. The French press predicted the outcome of these two candidates and have predicted the 2nd round outcome of the election: ' Le Pen low 33% and Macron 64% ' that is a huge gap. Regarding Trump v. Clinton they were much closer. We have to wait and see what will happen but it looks like there may be a shift in this bearish cycle..
Hi Sive
Re the Eur/Usd interesting what you said re this pair in connection to the election. The French press predicted the outcome of these two candidates and have predicted the 2nd round outcome of the election: ' Le Pen low 33% and Macron 64% ' that is a huge gap. Regarding Trump v. Clinton they were much closer. We have to wait and see what will happen but it looks like there may be a shift in this bearish cycle..

You're right Joh. Currently we see mismatch in our political view and real situation. As neither compromising evidence nor some information campaigne has happened against E. Macron, we probably have to refuse our initial thought of his lost in elections on 2nd round.
It makes us think that Macron's presidency could become a part of big geopolitical deal. Because we do not see logic of H. Clinton and neocon loss in US and E. Macron victory in France. They both belong to the same political power. It means that something is going on around that we do not know yet...
You're right Joh. Currently we see mismatch in our political view and real situation. As neither compromising evidence nor some information campaigne has happened against E. Macron, we probably have to refuse our initial thought of his lost in elections on 2nd round.
It makes us think that Macron's presidency could become a part of big geopolitical deal. Because we do not see logic of H. Clinton and neocon loss in US and E. Macron victory in France. They both belong to the same political power. It means that something is going on around that we do not know yet...

Oddly enough i do see some connection to Clinton v Trump.but from the opposite direction, .Clinton the experienced politician v Trump the novice, Trump won. This time Macron is the inexperienced one and that's what apparently appealed to the masses (although millions did not vote) as the French voters according to the French press, have thrown out all they have ever voted for or stood for in the past 50 years.;). Nevertheless Sive you would know more then any of us anything can happen in a week in politics.
Am keen to see if and when the EU/USD will close the huge gap!
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