EUR/USD Daily Video, December 08, 2011

Sive Morten

Special Consultant to the FPA
Good morning,
market is coiling around pivot, so our focus will be primary on intraday charts. There are no clear signs and patterns yet and it's very difficult to analyze market when it behaves in such way, but still, let's try to discuss different scenarios and assumptions:

The technical portion of Sive's analysis owes a great deal to Joe DiNapoli's methods, and uses a number of Joe's proprietary indicators. Please note that Sive's analysis is his own view of the market and is not endorsed by Joe DiNapoli or any related companies.
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Thank you so much.
I'm kinda new here so it's all a big deal to me. I've read 10 chapters of your course so far and I find it very practical. Thank you for mentioning some details which I haven't found elswhere.
Greetings from Poland.
Hello Sive,

I have a question. The latest news for the Euro is very poor at least that is what is being reported in the United States, how do you see the collapse of the Euro effecting the EUR/USD pair? Would the EUR continue to drop in value or would all trading stop at some point and if so what do you think (Not your professional but personal opinion) that level would be?
Many thanks,
Hello Sive,

I have a question. The latest news for the Euro is very poor at least that is what is being reported in the United States, how do you see the collapse of the Euro effecting the EUR/USD pair? Would the EUR continue to drop in value or would all trading stop at some point and if so what do you think (Not your professional but personal opinion) that level would be?
Many thanks,

Hi Sazu,
this is really tough question and probably I can't answer on it reasonably. I suppose that to hold EU they need to give possibility ECB to buyback problem bonds. Second - to intrude in budget spending of problem countries. I mean that some authority of stable countries let's call it Germany and France has a possiblity to decide how, say, Greece will spend money.
Without these steps it will be difficult to safe EU as it is now, especially important first issue.
What will happen if EU will be contracted? In fact this could be calculated by reassesing of gross GDP and debt, Money supply. Currently i have no ability to tell that, but I just feel that EUR should grow in this case. Hardly it will need stop in trading, since this process will be gradual.