EUR/USD Daily Video, October 09, 2012

Sive Morten

Special Consultant to the FPA
Good morning,
currently market behavior stands in a row with our expectations. But still, there are some moments that have to be tracked carefully in nearest 1-2 days:

The technical portion of Sive's analysis owes a great deal to Joe DiNapoli's methods, and uses a number of Joe's proprietary indicators. Please note that Sive's analysis is his own view of the market and is not endorsed by Joe DiNapoli or any related companies.
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Sive !!!!!!

As always, excellent explanation and anticipation of EU moves.


can you go a bit easier on the mouse movements, I am having trouble following your mouse while you explain.
It gives me the feeling I am in a roller coaster and if it is possible to move a bit slower, I feel it would make your presentation easier to follow.

Just my 2 cents, amigo, greetings from Mexico.