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    Discuss is for general discussions of a financial company or issues related to companies.

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    Keep Problem discussions civil and lay out the facts of your case. Your goal should be to get your problem resolved or reported to the regulators, not to see how many insults you can put into the thread.

    More info coming soon.

Problem FinTelegram is a huge (very clever) SCAM.

I am having an issue with a company
Its still not clear why would any affiliation btw Fintelegram and Efri be regarded as 'scam'?

If you have actual proof of blackmail and payment against taking off sensitive articles, publish it. Otherwise its just bunch of wordpress websites where anyone can say anything they like... Let"s see some evidence instead of lengthy thread correspondence with no actual information.
It is not a bunch of 'wordpress websites' it is THEIR website that shows the whitelisting information. It's the criminal record of the people involved that is worrysome. Why are you willing to ignore evidence of a scam in the making? What are the supposed 'investigations' that they REALLY carried out?

Do you define the below as 'investigation'??

In today’s daily market screening, we noticed that the scam broker ElitSolutions(elitsolutions.co) is promoted by various fraudulent marketing campaigns like Bitcoin Buyer. ElitSolutions is a typical white-label scam from one of the numerous scam factories. Deposits from prospective victims are possible via credit and debit cards with the cashier running under the domain sand.cheap. Deposits via Bitcoins are offered, but the scam operator is blocked at the payment processor AdvCash.
Apparently, the deposits of Bitcoins and/or the purchase of Bitcoins with credit cards via AdvCash(advcash.gi), operated by Belize-based Advanced Cash Limited, was still possible until recently. During our review today, we received a message on the AdvCash site that the merchant is blocked. There is no information on the ElitSolutions website about the operators or the relevant jurisdiction. Stay far away from this scam. You will save yourself money and frustration.

Enough to justify the claim that

German BaFin follows FinTelegram and investigates ElitSolutions with BridgerPay!​

Well it would be good their representatives stepped in here to comment...you did raise questions that need explanation
We are discussing the transparency of a site that claims to expose scams but at the same time is happy to remove scam warnings provided the scammer pays a hefty fee
We are discussing the integrity and honesty of an operator that claims to expose scammers and in doing so uses questionable marketing tactics pretending for example that FCA and other regulators are taking cue from the Fintelegram posts to ban fraudulent operators
We are discussing a potential scam in the making when these people are launching ‘recovery funds’ managed by anonymous (almost) untraceable entities and or launching their own ‘token’ to raise funds
We are discussing the fact that denying the obvious is not exactly an attestation of integrity and honesty which is the bare minimum you would expect from somebody claiming they are after dishonest and shady operators.
We are discussing a scam busting operation that is owned and managed by fraudsters and convicts!
Their ‘scam reports’ are very often ad hominem attacks against specific operators with the only purpose of charging the ‘whitelisting fee’. Why would you need a whitelisting fee if you are the investigator and therefore you should very well know who are the good guys and which are the bad ones?
This looks exactly like the setup of the Ripoff Report website and this is what I am trying to expose here

I am not anonymous and EFRI NGO is not untraceable. What am I denying? EFRI is after dishonest and shady operators. and we are not fraudsters and convicts.. this is just nonsense. Neither me nor Werner Boehm have ever been convicted for fraud. so just be careful what you are saying. What is a whitelisting fee? Pls provide proof for this. so if you feel so comfortable about me being a scammer, just give me your real name and we go on discussing.
Are you aware that Ilan Tzorya, who was identified one of the masterminds behind the binary option fraud by the Austrian authorities, owned Fintelegram and Werner Böhm confirmed this to The Times of Israel? If you want hard proof of that you can just look at the UK companies register.

Austrian authorities allege ex-IDF intel officer ‘mastermind’ behind €200m scam
Press release by Austrian Federal Criminal Police Office

According to a recent article the Austrian authorities allegeded that Ilan Tzorya, the guy who owned Fintelegram, allegedly defrauded 4,500 Austrians alone.

The Forex Fraud: A wolf or a scapegoat?

According to your own Twitter profile you are a writer for Fintelegram and Werner Böhm told the German Bitcoinblog you are the Certified Public Accountant of Fintelegram. Can you please clarify your relationship with Fintelegram?

Elfriede Sixt on Twitter
Die Bad Bank für Scam-Tokens (Bitcoinblog)
A company of Ilan Tzorya owned exactly for 8 days shares of Fintelegram.. this was in 2018 during the process of Fintelegram´s working with the Austrian police on being after the binary option scammers. Yes, in the beginning I wrote some articles for Fintelegram, but by now I am busy with EFRI. But again what is the issue here?
It is not a bunch of 'wordpress websites' it is THEIR website that shows the whitelisting information. It's the criminal record of the people involved that is worrysome. Why are you willing to ignore evidence of a scam in the making? What are the supposed 'investigations' that they REALLY carried out?

Do you define the below as 'investigation'??

In today’s daily market screening, we noticed that the scam broker ElitSolutions(elitsolutions.co) is promoted by various fraudulent marketing campaigns like Bitcoin Buyer. ElitSolutions is a typical white-label scam from one of the numerous scam factories. Deposits from prospective victims are possible via credit and debit cards with the cashier running under the domain sand.cheap. Deposits via Bitcoins are offered, but the scam operator is blocked at the payment processor AdvCash.
Apparently, the deposits of Bitcoins and/or the purchase of Bitcoins with credit cards via AdvCash(advcash.gi), operated by Belize-based Advanced Cash Limited, was still possible until recently. During our review today, we received a message on the AdvCash site that the merchant is blocked. There is no information on the ElitSolutions website about the operators or the relevant jurisdiction. Stay far away from this scam. You will save yourself money and frustration.

Enough to justify the claim that

German BaFin follows FinTelegram and investigates ElitSolutions with BridgerPay!​

why is it so important for you to tell everyone that I am a scammer or I am a convicted criminal? So what is your issue with what we are doing?
Right now, we are experiencing a lot of defamation. so to make it clear:
I have been a registered Certified Public Accountant and auditor in Austria for more than 25 years. I was with EY Austria for more than 13 years and was partner in charge of listed companies as I also have the US CPA qualifications. I have never been convicted for fraud or something else nor are there any criminal proceedings going on right now. Anyone else telling the contrary has only bad reasons to do it. We are witnesses in the criminal proceedings against big scammers like Vlad Smirnov, Gery Shalon not yet on the list, without all the information we provided to the Austrian and German authorities maybe they would never have been able to do all the raids they are working on now ... and there is more to come. so this is the reason why there are so many fake news out there. But as a matter of fact - I am a very stubborn person and obstacles are only reasons to go on harder.. so we are continuing.. When I filed the first money laundering complaint against UWE Lenhoff, Joachim Kalcher (Bitrush CTO) and the business angels of Bitrush (those who told me that doing no business with UWE Lenhoff would be a missed opportunity) I was not aware about the size of fraud going on in Europe and when I learned about it I started to act. I like this claim from Simon Wiesenthal: For evil to flourish, it only takes good people who do nothing ” Simon Wiesenthal (1908-2005).


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