Gold Daily Video, 31 December, 2015

Sive Morten

Special Consultant to the FPA
Good morning,

Gold shows action that is dangerous for bullish perspectives. Now is major question - could it be a trick of thin market or indeed, gold is preparing for drop?

The technical portion of Sive's analysis owes a great deal to Joe DiNapoli's methods, and uses a number of Joe's proprietary indicators. Please note that Sive's analysis is his own view of the market and is not endorsed by Joe DiNapoli or any related companies.
Sive Thank you so much for all your expert help. Unfortunately I still am learning and seem to get in my trades too late, or stay in when it has already turned, or completely misinterpret what you are saying. !! (my fault) Then I get out prematurely . I entered some short positions a few seconds before gold started to go up last week, and as it continued to go up I went in again and again (in my mind to get a better price) as I thought Gold was on its way to 1000/850. So listening to your spot on information daily these last few days has been difficult for me. My stops are very long at 1092 and I was and still am hoping I could ride this successfully. I have NEVER been in so many open positions, I usually just trade one pip, but this time I had eleven. I closed 2 out yesterday at a profit of £42 & £32 and then next one at loss of -£7 just to lower my exposure so as not to deplete my account as badly if Gold continues to go up. So naturally I am hoping it will break the 1060 and continue down. My New Year resolution is to try and interpret what you are explaining more accurately and listen to you more carefully, trying to take in all you say.
Thank you and Forex Peace Army so very very much was all the information you freely give us.
Seasonal Greetings and the best of Health Happiness and Wealth for 2016 and beyond xxx........