Ponzi Scheme TadawulME / Exential Group:

Guaranteed profits become guaranteed losses.
Alright ! Here's the explanation for those who have signed broker to broker transfer form (Ellipsys to FC Prime), if in case you are unable to get any information from FC Prime ... You can put a complaint to below mentioned form of ASIC. You will be in the need of Broker to Broker transfer form which you can get easily from Ellipsys and in case if ellipsys is replying back to you that email id registered is not same and they need confirmation from EG please send a reply back to them (copy Financial Service Commission Mauritius on fscmauritius@intnet.mu) that its closed by DED ... Below mentioned is the link to report this SCAM to ASIC (Australian Securities & Investment commission) ...

We at XPRESS, Gulf News are keenly following developments at Exential for an upcoming investigative report.
If you have something to add or want to discuss your situation, please feel free to write to us at editor@xpress4me.com with the word Exential in the subject. You can also get in touch with us via WhatsApp at 971565089988
Wake up everyone. The bigger the spotlight the press puts on this, the harder it will be for the roaches to scurry off with all the money and disappear.
We at XPRESS, Gulf News are keenly following developments at Exential for an upcoming investigative report.
If you have something to add or want to discuss your situation, please feel free to write to us at editor@xpress4me.com with the word Exential in the subject. You can also get in touch with us via WhatsApp at 971565089988

Better late than never Express. Its a multi million dollar scam. This will put question on the oversight function of the government over businesses (but at least they will learn from this). And this will impact the image of UAE to some extent. and S&S (a company controlled by the royal family) is also dragged in this issue. These are probably some of the reasons why the authority is taking so much time to issue a final resolution on this.
so, i've sent an email to info@fcimarkets.com
they respond with in 1 day
out of 3 account 60,000USD there was only 6000 USD left in my account
so i requested to close the account
they sent me the money ..
it's 1 tenth .. but it's better for nothing
immediately got a phone call and sms and mail from existential saying that i broke the contract and they now owe me nothing
i told the guy okay.. if i don't withdraw my funds.. when are you going to pay me .. he said we still don't know
so it's your call
so, i've sent an email to info@fcimarkets.com
they respond with in 1 day
out of 3 account 60,000USD there was only 6000 USD left in my account
so i requested to close the account
they sent me the money ..
it's 1 tenth .. but it's better for nothing
immediately got a phone call and sms and mail from existential saying that i broke the contract and they now owe me nothing
i told the guy okay.. if i don't withdraw my funds.. when are you going to pay me .. he said we still don't know
so it's your call

Guys, so once again if you break contract then Exential wont pay you a thing, but if EG break the contract you are expected to wait for them to clear the money?? Come on, lies and BS on their part.

Thanks Marc for posting your experience. Guys get talking to the press and filing cases.. Its a lose lose all round (given some of the previous posters experience with how little is left in their accounts.), but at least let EG feel some pain with filing cases etc.
Sounds like Exential wants to scare people out of withdrawing money they haven't gotten around to stealing yet.
I have just spent an hour searching back through all the posts trying to find the email addresses to find out if your accounts still have money. I have ellipsys and fci markets. I am sure there was a third possibility?
The Latest, I heard from my lawyer is, some representatives of EG visited the case Dept & proposed that we are ready to pay 20000 $ (initial investment) to those who filed cases if they are ready to settle the cases in this amount. Lets see what happens next....