Forex Live Calls Real Account Stopped test

by Site closed
-2.73% WEEKLY · 12.6 weeks
Average Pips per Week:
-3 (Gross Pips: -33)
Average P/L per Week:
-2.70% (Gross P/L: -29.15%)
Maximum Equity used:
0% (Apr 5, 2010, 2:32:00 PM)
Test started:
Jan 6, 2010
Test Stopped:
Apr 5, 2010 (Tested 12.6 weeks)
Multiple Statements Available, Voluntarily Quit

06.15.2010 Forex Live Calls Real Test stopped - owner don't want continue testing...
04.06.10 Sorry for test delay: changed investor password... We hope they will continue test...

03.02.10 Introducing Live account test! Old 13 weeks demo test results (3.71% weekly, Gross Equity: 57.58%) are also very impressive and you can see them in drop-down menu below.

12.05.09 We appreciate Forex Live Calls sharing their trading performance stats with Forex Peace Army community. Please read the note from the trader issuing the signals below.

My trading solutions include the following 3 aspects:
* The trading system: First, I identify the market direct with my 6 years Forex trading experience; than I use my own entry system to get in to the market with 20 pips stop.
    * Risk management: I trade 10% of my account equity or 0.1 lot for every $1,000. It means I risk 20 pips or 2% for up to 60 pips or 6% or more profit per trade. I risk up to 6% per trading day.
    * Emotion aspect:  Emotion is the most important aspect of Forex trading assuming I have winning system with great risk management. I spend 3+ hours on physical exercise and 4 hours on mental exercise every day so I can have health emotions to trade the market.

NOTE:  The MT4 statement may take up to 24 hours to update, open trades are hidden.  This delay has been added to keep trades from being copied manually.