Waterfordinvestmentgroup.com Review

Out of business
Updated: Apr 13, 2022
Website is gone. Company seems to be out of business.
Out of business

Recent User Reviews of Waterfordinvestmentgroup.com

Dec 6, 2007,

Don't even THINK about sending these guys any money> I found out my dad has invested more money than I thought - $50K!! and the two accounts are down to less than $1000 now, after just three months. And his friend invested a whopping $400,000 and it is pretty much gone too. Call the SEC.

Update on my prior "SCAM" report on this company: Kevin Bonta has now ripped my dad off for almost the entire $20,000. There is less than $1,000 left in the account. Total ripoff!!!
2007-10-13 Scam Kevin Bonta took $20,000 of my dad's money and it went down to $8,000 within 30 days.
You must be crazy to invest with this idiot.
Jun 16, 2007,

This is nothing more than a scam with a psycopath behind the whole thing. I and many others have been burned on purpose for Kevins own monetary gains illegally.He is a great sweet talker to lure you in, but beware!! He is like a virus and justice will be served in due course. I will update soon.
United States,
Mar 29, 2007,

Do not invest any money with Waterford! I was invested in a couple of their managed accounts. They more or less blew out the accounts causing me to lose 90% of my money. The risk management and trade style was nothing like what was advertised or what was shown in their "past performance". I watched many other clients leave before I did, basically no one made any money (except Waterford which profits with every trade regardless of whether it makes money since they get a cut of the commissions). When a new managed account offering (TradeBot) performed poorly when opened to clients they simply renamed it, started over again and pretended the previous losses did not exist - this happened more then once. Even now if you go to the Waterford site you will not see current performance stats, its always a very carefully selected snapshot of profitability. The head of Waterford, Kevin Bonita is a slimey individual who is constantly pumping the latest and greatest investment scheme he comes up with ignoring all of the clients he has burned in the past. His half-truths and overly rosey projections should not be relied on. He allowed the accounts to be traded with huge losses in direct contradiction to the description he gave clients before they opened the accounts. Stay far away from Waterford Investment Group (WIG)!
Middle -East,
Jan 12, 2007,

I am trading FOREX since 3 years ,i had not seen a more worse MANAGED FOREX service in my experience ,i had seen many services loosing money but i lost 75 % of my account in a matter of 10 days .I deposited US $ 2500 in NOVEMBER and by DECEMBER the account reached US $ 400.Please do not be mislead by their previous results ,they are manipulated .They are unprofessional and a big scam .They do not know a bit about FOREX and they screw up your account .