Pharaoh's Financial Blog

Pharaoh is one of the first members to sign up at the FPA. He's written some of the best advice available for forex traders. Read Pharaoh's articles and you're less likely to get scammed. If you've already been scammed bu a forex, binary options, or cryptocurrency company; he's written some advice on how to complain in ways to make the scammers sorry for what they did to you.


Happy Ponzi Day – 100 Years of Ponzi Schemes

Happy Ponzi Day – 100 Years of Ponzi Schemes

Happy Ponzi Day! 100 Years of Ponzi Schemes   With my history of exposing Ponzi schemes and similar scams, why would I ever say “Happy Ponzi Day!“?  I’m saying it today for one simple reason.  Today is the 100th anniversary of Charles Ponzi being arrested for the type of financial scam that now bears his …

forex scam ponzi scheme
Global Currency Changes Coming Soon

Global Currency Changes Coming Soon

Yesterday, the US Treasury and Federal Reserve announced some new regulations to fix all of America’s financial problems. Buried deep inside was a small reference to activating an obscure “Metals Act” regulation from January 1945.

Forex Gone Wild

Forex Gone Wild

An FPA reviewer known as Sydneysider left a link to the article in The Australian in a review for CMC Markets. One of the review moderators passed it to the AsstModerator, and he asked me to write about it. I’d like to thank all three of them for giving me the opportunity to write this. 

forex trading emotions
Founding of a New Nation and a Special Gift to the World

Founding of a New Nation and a Special Gift to the World

Happy Friday everyone! Words cannot begin to express my joy. An announcement like this is such a rare and wonderful thing. Smaller countries may come and go, but larger nations don’t get founded very often. We are all privileged to bear witness to such a historic event. Just to make this even better, there’s a hugely generous gift from the new nation to the people of the world.

united states of north america amero
Nine Year Sentence for Forex Fraud. Too harsh or not enough?

Nine Year Sentence for Forex Fraud. Too harsh or not enough?

Joel Nathan Ward used to be a hotshot forex guru with millions of dollars of managed account money under his control. Now, he’s looking at 9 years of hard time in federal prison along with an order to repay $11 million to investors. Is he a sleazy scumbag who should be grateful for such a short sentence, or a good guy who is being denied a chance to make amends for one terrible mistake?

forex scam forex fraud ponzi scheme money laundering
CFTC slaps a broker because of Dodd-Frank Act – The USA Nanny State Rolls On

CFTC slaps a broker because of Dodd-Frank Act – The USA Nanny State Rolls On

I’m never sure if I love to hate the CFTC or hate to love the CFTC. On the one hand, they’ve been really ramping up enforcement actions against scammers that steal money from traders and investors. On the other, they are more than happy to run around wasting time and taxpayer money to restrict the rights of US citizens and residents to deal with brokers from other countries.

cftc dodd-frank act
CryptidCurrencies, The Next Step In The Evolution of CryptoCurrencies

CryptidCurrencies, The Next Step In The Evolution of CryptoCurrencies

. Meet the next step in the evolution of Cryptocurrencies: Cryptid Currencies By Pharaoh I almost had that writing addiction under control   Today is a glorious day in the evolution of crypto currencies. Before going into all the details, please allow me to take a few moments to explain one of the biggest flaws …

AML Compliance or Theft?

AML Compliance or Theft?

I’ve been a member of the FPA for a long time. I’ve seen some strange reasons used by forex brokers to delay paying money owed to traders, but this one is new. FPA member Ahmet Faruk Arapogla deposited US$4300 into his trading account with AlmaForex. His trading went well and he made a profit of over $6000. Everything was fine, until he tried to withdraw $8000 in April of 2009.

Three Scam Brokerages Gone – ForexGen, SigmaForex, VelocityForex

Three Scam Brokerages Gone – ForexGen, SigmaForex, VelocityForex

I’d like to thank the FPA’s Scam Investigations Committee for letting me write this article. I’ve been waiting for this day to come for a long time now.

scam broker forex scam
Binary Wolf Hunter and Hero – A Tribute to Simona Weinglass

Binary Wolf Hunter and Hero – A Tribute to Simona Weinglass

I’ve been observing the growing cancer of binary options scam since it first slithered up from the darkest pits of financial crime. I’ve worked long and hard to do what I can to warn traders away from binary options and to help binary victims fight back. Unfortunately explaining facts like how badly the odds are stacked against anyone who “trades” binaries and how many complaints their are against binary companies doesn’t pierce the mental defenses of many people who desperately want to believe in easy money.

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Author Profile



Pharaoh is one of the FPA's oldest members (he claims to be about 4000 years old, but we think he's exaggerating a little). He says he created the world's first trading pair (Cow/Goat) while ruling ancient Egypt. Although there are no archeological or historical records to support this claim, we can't find anything to disprove it. Although he's not as active at the FPA as he used to be, he still holds the highest post count of all FPA members.

We don't understand how he does it, but Pharaoh has an uncanny ability to spot scams faster than anyone else we've seen. He claims to have known a number of companies were HYIP scams just by their domain names and that each time an examination of the website proved him right. He's also famous inside Forex Peace Army for warning about Ponzi schemes, even ones run by large and well established companies. He's been in a number of threads trying to warn people away from active Ponzi schemes. In spite of the efforts of shills and those gullible enough to believe in free money to discredit his words, he keeps up the warnings. In each case, the company ended up either disappearing with all client money or being shut down by the authorities.

In addition to investigating scams, Pharaoh has written a number of articles on a wide rage of trading topics, including forex broker selection, risk management, and how to select a good account manager. He's also covered other items of interest to traders, such as protecting wealth and purchasing precious metals.

Pharaoh claims to be a business consultant, but says he makes most of his income by running a globe-spanning hamster smuggling operation. If we are to believe him, he's currently working on a network of hamster tunnels under southern Europe.