Ponzi Scheme TadawulME / Exential Group:

Guaranteed profits become guaranteed losses.
Of course you don't mind about the profit... But it's a scam so there was never any profit. It was just stealing someone else s money to put it into more senior ( higher up the pyramid ) investors.
So I d say never mind the 75000 you put in. At this stage you ll be lucky to get 1 AED back. You joined the scam too late or didn't exit it early enough. Seems to me you are getting things how they are for what they are always too late.
Do you know any Good Law firm which is pro-active and who know's their work rather than money minting machines . I have checked a few but all ask for approx 10-15 Thousand which will be returned back once I win the case . I am ready to pay anything to put these crooks behind the bars.
Hi i am searching too with exact same mentality and approach. I will let you know once i find good one. I advise all to stay in control and do not fall into trap of certain law firms that are not eligilbe by doing own due deligence.
Shop around carefully for lawyers. There will be some good ones, but plenty more just looking to collect fees.

Also, beware of getting cold called by anyone other than verified government employees about any plan to get back your funds. Recovery Room scams are a very common way to drag more money out of scam victims.
How's is your case going? Did you get your money back?

Yes, I'll give you a nice update if you wish. The court has ordered to hire an account expert to provide detailed report to show evidence of scam. This will take around a month. I think we are currently at the end of this ****ing story. For your happiness, Exential Group will be finally proven to be a scam.
Hello Exential investors,

I'm an investor with Exential and i think I have invested more than most of the participants here.

I've been watching quietly what is going on for some time as i didn't see any need to interfere but the situation is getting critical.
So, I decided to raise my voice now after this "panic crisis" started to affect me directly.

For me, the main problem started when Exential stopped trading this month due to the many cases against them. Delays in the payments were not a problem as this investment was never supposed to be a sole source of income.

Let’s not fool ourselves, none of you Ladies and Gents was 100% sure about the credibility of this company since the beginning.
However, we all decided to disregard our doubts and to put our money at risk hoping to make profits fueled with “greed”, “optimism”, or in some cases with “common sense”.
“Common sense” because, when an opportunity presents itself, one should not hesitate to take it if he can… and that means considering the possibility of loss.
Few of us actually considered the scenario of losing their money because in Forex, loss happens very often. Those are the ones who are not panicking at this stage.

We all asked or should ask ourselves the following question, why would they not be legitimate if they are trading and they are also making money?
They will not simply stop and run away… because they are making around $ 15k yearly from every account.
If their plan is to steal the money and run away why did they wait this long and why are they hiring lawyers to defend themselves?!

Let us put aside their poor English and professionalism when it comes to dealing with clients and writing emails; maybe they are a small company and they are focusing on the main aspect of their business which is trading.
What if they are good at trading and what if they were really facing problems with banks?

Some might think I’m some kind of a mercenary from Exential trying to push you away from getting your money back, but I urge you not to think this way and be open minded to what I have to say. I’m here to point to you that hiring lawyers and filing complaints will bring loss to all of us!

If we go on with what we are doing (filing cases), Exential will start to think seriously of escaping with our money; they will declare bankruptcy and leave. The better approach is to give them the chance to go back to their good shape so that they figure out a way to give us our money back and keep their share of the profits for themselves.

I’m eager to get my money back as much as every one of you is… but let us think wisely and not rush into a decision that will bring loss to all of us.

Again, filing complaints is not the solution… in fact, if we provide them with some support and some trust, they might come up with the right solution.
That’s the only way I see our money coming back.
They represent a ship, if it sinks, our money will sink with it… filing complaints is contributing to it’s sinking and nobody of us wants that!

Please let me know what you think...

Hello Exential investors,

I'm an investor with Exential and i think I have invested more than most of the participants here.

I've been watching quietly what is going on for some time as i didn't see any need to interfere but the situation is getting critical.
So, I decided to raise my voice now after this "panic crisis" started to affect me directly.

For me, the main problem started when Exential stopped trading this month due to the many cases against them. Delays in the payments were not a problem as this investment was never supposed to be a sole source of income.

Let’s not fool ourselves, none of you Ladies and Gents was 100% sure about the credibility of this company since the beginning.
However, we all decided to disregard our doubts and to put our money at risk hoping to make profits fueled with “greed”, “optimism”, or in some cases with “common sense”.
“Common sense” because, when an opportunity presents itself, one should not hesitate to take it if he can… and that means considering the possibility of loss.
Few of us actually considered the scenario of losing their money because in Forex, loss happens very often. Those are the ones who are not panicking at this stage.

We all asked or should ask ourselves the following question, why would they not be legitimate if they are trading and they are also making money?
They will not simply stop and run away… because they are making around $ 15k yearly from every account.
If their plan is to steal the money and run away why did they wait this long and why are they hiring lawyers to defend themselves?!

Let us put aside their poor English and professionalism when it comes to dealing with clients and writing emails; maybe they are a small company and they are focusing on the main aspect of their business which is trading.
What if they are good at trading and what if they were really facing problems with banks?

Some might think I’m some kind of a mercenary from Exential trying to push you away from getting your money back, but I urge you not to think this way and be open minded to what I have to say. I’m here to point to you that hiring lawyers and filing complaints will bring loss to all of us!

If we go on with what we are doing (filing cases), Exential will start to think seriously of escaping with our money; they will declare bankruptcy and leave. The better approach is to give them the chance to go back to their good shape so that they figure out a way to give us our money back and keep their share of the profits for themselves.

I’m eager to get my money back as much as every one of you is… but let us think wisely and not rush into a decision that will bring loss to all of us.

Again, filing complaints is not the solution… in fact, if we provide them with some support and some trust, they might come up with the right solution.
That’s the only way I see our money coming back.
They represent a ship, if it sinks, our money will sink with it… filing complaints is contributing to it’s sinking and nobody of us wants that!

Please let me know what you think...

I agree to disagree with you. Agreed that we should have given them a chance to come back but in order to come back they would have conned more people and taken away their hard earned savings. Disagree as Regulatory body have put a travel ban so they can't Run. Now let's discuss about bankruptcy, Apprently they can't file for bankruptcy as they have to provide trading statement and losses for all individual accounts which is impossible as it was a scam and they can't proove loss on individual accounts . It's my personal views !
Hello Exential investors,

I'm an investor with Exential and i think I have invested more than most of the participants here.

I've been watching quietly what is going on for some time as i didn't see any need to interfere but the situation is getting critical.
So, I decided to raise my voice now after this "panic crisis" started to affect me directly.

For me, the main problem started when Exential stopped trading this month due to the many cases against them. Delays in the payments were not a problem as this investment was never supposed to be a sole source of income.

Let’s not fool ourselves, none of you Ladies and Gents was 100% sure about the credibility of this company since the beginning.
However, we all decided to disregard our doubts and to put our money at risk hoping to make profits fueled with “greed”, “optimism”, or in some cases with “common sense”.
“Common sense” because, when an opportunity presents itself, one should not hesitate to take it if he can… and that means considering the possibility of loss.
Few of us actually considered the scenario of losing their money because in Forex, loss happens very often. Those are the ones who are not panicking at this stage.

We all asked or should ask ourselves the following question, why would they not be legitimate if they are trading and they are also making money?
They will not simply stop and run away… because they are making around $ 15k yearly from every account.
If their plan is to steal the money and run away why did they wait this long and why are they hiring lawyers to defend themselves?!

Let us put aside their poor English and professionalism when it comes to dealing with clients and writing emails; maybe they are a small company and they are focusing on the main aspect of their business which is trading.
What if they are good at trading and what if they were really facing problems with banks?

Some might think I’m some kind of a mercenary from Exential trying to push you away from getting your money back, but I urge you not to think this way and be open minded to what I have to say. I’m here to point to you that hiring lawyers and filing complaints will bring loss to all of us!

If we go on with what we are doing (filing cases), Exential will start to think seriously of escaping with our money; they will declare bankruptcy and leave. The better approach is to give them the chance to go back to their good shape so that they figure out a way to give us our money back and keep their share of the profits for themselves.

I’m eager to get my money back as much as every one of you is… but let us think wisely and not rush into a decision that will bring loss to all of us.

Again, filing complaints is not the solution… in fact, if we provide them with some support and some trust, they might come up with the right solution.
That’s the only way I see our money coming back.
They represent a ship, if it sinks, our money will sink with it… filing complaints is contributing to it’s sinking and nobody of us wants that!

Please let me know what you think...


Completely agree with you if their legitimate in their trading. I ve been trading for a few years now, and 8% a month with a good EA and a bit of fundamental is not that difficult.
Not many of these people on this forum have any idea about trading and relate exential as a fraud. It might be... but if it is, they are playing this game VERY well!