Ponzi Scheme TadawulME / Exential Group:

Guaranteed profits become guaranteed losses.
You think you are doing a fantastic job here by doing what you do but 7000+ clients didn't listen to you before they invested because obviously there was something genuine in EG. There can be 10-15 people who are wrong but not 7000+ so take your crappy story elsewhere. Obviously you have NOT done a great job of warning anyone so quit boasting!
Nobody wants to listen to your "I told you so" lectures here so it is better you shut up!!

Yes and Eg stopped taking investors as soon as they knew there were downs....so do not take the credit for that Rider that's why I believe they were not in the market to scam clients but they were helping clients to have a better future....Unfortunately business have their ups and downs and it's clear it's a personal tiff with EG that has got it to this level if not we all would always be happy clients and non of you would even look for red flags
Well if you did your study how come you didn't remove your investment in time and as far as when I had a presentation I was always told the profits are not promised and it depends on the market conditions. So why would the website change. I also invested in 2015 and have not recovered a single penny but I'm hoping the courts make a good decision and we at least get the money sooner or later.

facepalm. no wonder you got into this scheme after all. Read baba! I said I did not invest in this scheme from the start.
Office is closed, SL is in Jail, accountant is also caught, RMs have disappeared, SLs wife illegally entered EG's office and left UAE, court ordered SL to pay the plaintiff. What else do you need? There's no such thing as "the court will formally declare that it is a scam". Its all implied.

And I guess you know the ABC of trading? please enlighten us how EG did their trading and how they sustained consistent profit of 7-11% per month for 5 years. Please find me a legit and properly registered and monitored company that will guarantee a monthly profit of that rate.

Well it shows how under informed you are I guess you only keep ur head stuck on the negative post.

SL is in custody not convicted which is a huge difference.
Employees will leave as the company is closed who will pay them and we all understand that people work here to earn a salary who you shelter them.

If VL broke into the office why didn't the authority confirm the same and bring her back the authority can solve any case here.

And there are so many companies which trade and make profits since you good at research spend some time doing the same
facepalm. no wonder you got into this scheme after all. Read baba! I said I did not invest in this scheme from the start.

If you not an investor why you here guess you like to feed on news and make your stories....and most of the negative people are the ones who have not invested which is very hard to understand....so I'm guessing you are one of the NT gang members....so speak to hand
Yes and Eg stopped taking investors as soon as they knew there were downs....so do not take the credit for that Rider that's why I believe they were not in the market to scam clients but they were helping clients to have a better future....Unfortunately business have their ups and downs and it's clear it's a personal tiff with EG that has got it to this level if not we all would always be happy clients and non of you would even look for red flags

another facepalm. You still dont believe that they are not genuine. I'm just dumbfounded that even up to this time, people still believe that they were legit from the start. cant help you there buddy if thats what you believe :)
If you not an investor why you here guess you like to feed on news and make your stories....and most of the negative people are the ones who have not invested which is very hard to understand....so I'm guessing you are one of the NT gang members....so speak to hand

oh now you are reading properly. Please go back few pages before, like at the time when EG was still active. We have explained it very well why we are here. it is summarized in this quote:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

I'm not saying that I am good. But im quite sure that people running a ponzi scheme are definitely bad.
Hope you are still around when things becomes a lot clearer (although everything is a lot clearer now than when EG was still active). I rest my case. Weekend is almost near! lets chill :)
And there are so many companies which trade and make profits since you good at research spend some time doing the same

Nope. I tried but I cant find a legit company that gives guaranteed profit of 7-11% per month. Take note - it should be guaranteed, or if not, can show consistent MONTHLY profit for 3-5 years. If you can find one, please let me know. I will close all my businesses which are earning only 30-50% net profit per year. I'll give you 2% of the monthly profit. We can then retire in the bahamas :)
Let me think . . . .

1. Interest rate promised unachievable in the long term and fits Ponzi description on multiple regulator websites.

2. Payments delayed and finally stopped with inconsistent excuses - also 100% consistent with a Ponzi nearing the end of its lifespan.

3. Owner in jail.

4. Owner's wife wanted for illegal access of company office and illegal removal of items from that office.

5. At least one court judgement against owner so far.

Yet still someone comes in to say all people have to do is sit back, exude positive vibrations, and wait for the money train to get rolling again - all because 7000 investors couldn't possibly be wrong. After all, no one's ever been able to pull of a Ponzi scheme on that many people, right? 7000 people plowing money in is rock solid proof that it's legitimate, or is it?

Of course, Bernie Madoff's Ponzi had over 50,000 victims. Charles Ponzi had about 30,000 victims. In 2003, a Florida based Ponzi had about 28,000 victims.
You non-investors seem so sure of yourselves and trying so hard to convince people here. What is it that you have at stake here for your constant persuasiveness? Give me and all the actual investors here a statement from the court or police supporting any of the statements/accusations made by the newspapers against Exential and I am sure all Exential supporters will stop. Until then, leave all the supporters alone to live peacefully with hope.
You non-investors seem so sure of yourselves and trying so hard to convince people here. What is it that you have at stake here for your constant persuasiveness? Give me and all the actual investors here a statement from the court or police supporting any of the statements/accusations made by the newspapers against Exential and I am sure all Exential supporters will stop. Until then, leave all the supporters alone to live peacefully with hope.

Do you really have to wait for that? Just look at your statements from ellypsis/fci and try to reconcile that with the payouts you received. Do they match? Nope. Doesn't the stench from deceit shout scam?

They promised monthly payouts and withdrawals within specified periods which haven't been honored for more than a year and they have not kept they're word. I'd say they should be considered a scam unless they start paying off again. They're the ones not doing what they're obligated to do.